python - 按创建日期的顺序打印目录的内容

标签 python

有人用 python 完成过这个吗?


if os.path.isdir(options.map_file_directory):
    searchedfile = glob.glob("*.map")
    files = sorted( searchedfile, key = lambda file: os.path.getctime(file))

    for i in files:
        print("{} - {}".format(i, time.ctime(os.path.getctime(i))) )



if os.path.isdir(options.map_file_directory):
    print ("this is a test 4")
    searchedfile = glob.glob(r'{}\*.map'.format(options.map_file_directory))
    files = sorted( searchedfile, key = lambda file: os.path.getctime(file))

    for i in files:
        print("{} - {}".format(i, time.ctime(os.path.getctime(i))) )

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