python - Google 云端硬盘文件夹 ID

标签 python python-2.7 google-drive-api

我有一个文件夹路径,例如/docs/word,我想获取“word”文件夹(最后一个文件夹)的 ID,以便在那里上传文件。如何获取 ID?


所以我想通了。你要做的就是获取root的id drive_service.about().get().execute()["rootFolderId"] ,然后获取root中的文件,进入下一步路径中的文件夹等等。顺便说一句,我编写的函数是列出路径中的文件夹并将它们保存到字典中(使用 self.addPath())

def listFolders(self, path):
    fId = self.getPathId(path) #get the id of the parent folder
    files = self.drive_service.children().list(folderId=fId).execute() #Request children
    files = files["items"] #All of the items in the folder

    folders = []
    for i in range(len(files)):
        sId = files[i]["id"]
        sFile = self.drive_service.files().get(fileId=sId).execute()
        if sFile["labels"]["trashed"] == False and sFile["mimeType"] == "application/":
            self.addPath(path+sFile["title"]+"/", sFile["id"])
    return folders

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