python - 待办事项列表 Python 函数

标签 python python-2.7

我正在尝试编写一个函数,通过使用嵌套列表(深度为 2)来管理每天的待办事项列表。我正在处理一个定义了任务列表的文件。一项任务的格式如下所示:

'email', 9, 15, 2, 0, 70, 'Answer all the emails received today.'


  • 任务名称。

  • 任务日期:月(1 到 12 之间的整数)。

  • 任务日期:天(1 到 31 之间的整数)。

  • 任务的开始时间:小时(采用 24 小时格式,因此是 1 到 24 之间的整数),例如,对于上午 9:15,此条目为 9。如果开始时间为 11:下午 45 点,本条目为 23 点。

  • 任务的开始时间:分钟(0 到 59 之间的整数)。

  • 任务时长(分钟):2 小时 20 分钟的任务时长为 140 分钟。

  • 任务的一般描述。

我的函数必须采用 [10,1] 形式的日期(表示 10 月 1 日),并打印出当天根据开始时间排序的所有任务。它应该是这样的:

These are your tasks for Oct. 1
Task Name: coffee
        Start time:  8:25 AM
        End time:    8:30 AM
        Description: making coffee

Task Name: lunch
        Start time: 12:00 PM
        End time:   12:30 PM
        Description: Lunch time


def print_tasks(tasks, date_list):
    """Print all the tasks for the given date from the given list of tasks.

    tasks--A nested list, where each inner list represents the information on
    a single task.
    date_list--a list of two integers representing the month and day for which
    the tasks should be printed. For example, [10, 1] represents Oct. 10th
    (month=10, day=1).
    for task in tasks:
        if task[1] == date[0] and task[2] == date[1]:
            if task[3] > 12:
                start_time = ' PM'
                task[3] -= 12
                start_time = ' AM'
            if task[3] > 12:
                end_time = ' PM'
                task[3] -= 12
            else: end_time = ' AM'
            print 'Task Name:', task[0]
            print 'Start time:', task[3], ':', task[4]
            print 'End time:'

    # Please complete me. Define several other functions and call them here
    # to complete me.

def main():
    """The main function (please don't remove). However, please feel free to
    change the second argument passed to print_tasks here to test your
    print_tasks function with different inputs.
    # The variable tasks is the nested list storing the tasks.
    return None


tasks = [
  ['email', 9, 15, 2, 0, 70, 'Answer all the emails received today.'],
  ['coffee', 10, 1, 8, 25, 5, 'making coffee'],
  ['meeting', 3, 5, 12, 0, 80, 'group meeting'],
  ['sleep', 12, 8, 3, 20, 280, 'getting some sleep'],
  ['meeting', 10, 1, 17, 0, 60, 'group meeting'],
  ['laundry', 3, 5, 21, 0, 40, 'do laundry'],
  ['office hours', 10, 1, 14, 0, 120, 'Office hours for Biology II'],
  ['class', 3, 5, 15, 0, 50, 'CS1 class'],
  ['laundry', 11, 5, 13, 0, 80, 'Laundry'],
  ['laundry', 10, 1, 19, 45, 40, 'Do laundry'],
  ['lunch', 10, 1, 12, 0, 30, 'Lunch time'],
  ['class', 3, 5, 10, 0, 50, 'Philosophy class'],
  ['break', 2, 1, 11, 0, 45, 'quick break before lunch.'],
  ['exam prep', 11, 13, 10, 0, 600, 'study for the exam.']]

def make_date_from_tasks(tasks):
  dates = []
  for task in tasks:
    dates.append([task[1], task[2]])
  return dates

dates = make_date_from_tasks(tasks)

def task_month(number):
    if number == 1:
        return 'January'
    if number == 2:
        return 'February'
    elif number == 3:
        return 'March'
    elif number == 4:
        return 'April'
    elif number == 5:
        return 'May'
    elif number == 6:
        return 'June'
    elif number == 7:
        return 'July'
    elif number == 8:
        return 'August'
    elif number == 9:
        return 'September'
    elif number == 10:
        return 'October'
    elif number == 11:
        return 'November'
        return 'December'

def print_tasks(tasks, date_list):
    for task in tasks:
      if task[1] == date[0] and task[2] == date[1]:
        if task[3] > 12:
          start_time = ' PM'
          task[3] -= 12
          start_time = ' AM'
        if task[3] > 12:
          end_time = ' PM'
          task[3] -= 12
          end_time = ' AM'
        print statements (I’m confused as to what to write here to format it correctly)

for date in dates:
  print_tasks(tasks, date)




jsonarray = [
    'datetime':"2017-09-15 04:00:00",
    'description':'Answer all the emails received today.'
    'datetime':"2017-09-16 08:00:00",
    'description':'Answer all the emails received today.'
    'datetime':"2017-09-15 03:00:00",
    'description':'Answer all the emails received today.'


import datetime
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(jsonarray)
df.datetime = pd.to_datetime(df.datetime)

printformat = """
Task Name: {}
Start time: {}
End time: {}
Description: {}

def print_tasks(maskby):
    mask = df[df['datetime'] == maskby].sort_values(by='datetime')
    s = ['These are your tasks for {}:\n'.format(maskby)]
    for ind,row in mask.iterrows():
        name = row["name"]
        stime = row["datetime"].strftime("%H:%M")
        etime = (row["datetime"] + datetime.timedelta(minutes=row["length"])).strftime("%H:%M")
        desc = row["description"]
    return ''.join(s)



These are your tasks for 2017-09-15:

Task Name: email
Start time: 03:00
End time: 04:10
Description: Answer all the emails received today.

Task Name: email
Start time: 04:00
End time: 05:10
Description: Answer all the emails received today.



  • datetime.strptime() - 字符串 --> 日期时间
  • datetime.strftime() - 日期时间 --> 字符串
  • datetime.timedelta() - 时间增量


  • str.format() - 打印字符串的有效方法
  • ''.join() - 将列表转换为字符串的有效方法


  • json(一种以人类可读字符串形式存储信息的方法)
  • 字典(以键值对形式存储数据)
  • pandas(python 处理表数据最有效的库)
  • 带有可选键参数的 sorted() 函数对数据进行排序


array = [
    ['email', 9, 15, 2, 10, 70, 'Answer all the emails received today.'],
    ['email', 9, 15, 2, 0, 70, 'Answer all the emails received today.'],
    ['email', 9, 15, 3, 0, 70, 'Answer all the emails received today.']

printformat = """
Task Name: {}
Start time: {}
End time: {}
Description: {}

date = [9,15]
s = ['These are your tasks for {}:\n'.format(date)]
for item in sorted(array,key=lambda x:(x[3],x[4])):
    if item[1:3] == date:



These are your tasks for [9, 15]:

Task Name: email
Start time: 9
End time: 15
Description: 2

Task Name: email
Start time: 9
End time: 15
Description: 2

Task Name: email
Start time: 9
End time: 15
Description: 3

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