python - 对 buildbot 构建属性执行字符串转换?

标签 python buildbot

Interpolate 中使用属性或源标记属性之前,是否有一种好的方法对其执行字符串转换?我们在分支名称中使用斜杠,我需要将斜杠转换为破折号,以便在文件名中使用它们。

也就是说,假设我有分支“feature/fix-all-the-things”,可通过 Interpolate("%(prop:branch)s")Interpolate( “%(src::branch)s”)。我希望能够将其转换为“功能修复所有事物”以进行一些插值。显然,它需要保持原来的形式,以便从源代码管理中选择合适的分支。



import re
from import Interpolate

class InterpolateReplace(Interpolate):
    """Interpolate with regex replacements.

    This takes an additional argument, `patterns`, which is a list of
    dictionaries containing the keys "search" and "replace", corresponding to
    `pattern` and `repl` arguments to `re.sub()`.
    def __init__(self, fmtstring, patterns, *args, **kwargs):
        Interpolate.__init__(self, fmtstring, *args, **kwargs)
        self._patterns = patterns

    def _sub(self, s):
        for pattern in self._patterns:
            search = pattern['search']
            replace = pattern['replace']
            s = re.sub(search, replace, s)
        return s

    def getRenderingFor(self, props):
        props = props.getProperties()
        if self.args:
            d = props.render(self.args)
            d.addCallback(lambda args:
                          self._sub(self.fmtstring % tuple(args)))
            return d
            d = props.render(self.interpolations)
            d.addCallback(lambda res:
                          self._sub(self.fmtstring % res))
            return d

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