python - 带有词袋的文本分类器和 sklearn 中的附加情感特征

标签 python scikit-learn text-classification

我正在尝试构建一个分类器,除了词袋之外,它还使用情感或主题(LDA 结果)等功能。我有一个带有文本和标签的 pandas DataFrame,我想添加一个情感值(介于 -5 和 5 之间的数字)和 LDA 分析的结果(一个带有句子主题的字符串)。

我有一个单词分类器的工作包,它使用 sklearn 中的 CountVectorizer 并使用 MultinomialNaiveBayes 执行分类。

df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(data=data, columns=names)
train, test = train_test_split(
train_df = pd.DataFrame(train, columns=names)
test_df = pd.DataFrame(test, columns=names)
vectorizer = CountVectorizer()
train_matrix = vectorizer.fit_transform(train_df['text'])
test_matrix = vectorizer.transform(test_df['text'])
positive_cases_train = (train_df['label'] == 'decision')
positive_cases_test = (test_df['label'] == 'decision')
classifier = MultinomialNB(), positive_cases_train)



编辑:按照@Guiem 的建议添加行后,出现了一个关于新功能权重的新问题。这个编辑增加了那个新问题:

我的火车矩阵的形状是(2554, 5286)。奇怪的是,无论是否添加了情绪列,都是这种形状(也许该行未正确添加?)


  (0, 322)  0.0917594575712
  (0, 544)  0.196910480455
  (0, 556)  0.235630958238
  (0, 706)  0.137241420774
  (0, 1080) 0.211125349374
  (0, 1404) 0.216326271935
  (0, 1412) 0.191757369869
  (0, 2175) 0.128800602511
  (0, 2176) 0.271268708356
  (0, 2371) 0.123979845513
  (0, 2523) 0.406583720526
  (0, 3328) 0.278476810585
  (0, 3752) 0.203741786877
  (0, 3847) 0.301505063552
  (0, 4098) 0.213653538407
  (0, 4664) 0.0753937554096
  (0, 4676) 0.164498844366
  (0, 4738) 0.0844966331512
  (0, 4814) 0.251572721805
  (0, 5013) 0.201686066537
  (0, 5128) 0.21174469759
  (0, 5135) 0.187485844479
  (1, 291)  0.227264696182
  (1, 322)  0.0718526940442
  (1, 398)  0.118905396285
  : :
  (2553, 3165)  0.0985290985889
  (2553, 3172)  0.134514497354
  (2553, 3217)  0.0716087169489
  (2553, 3241)  0.172404983302
  (2553, 3342)  0.145912701013
  (2553, 3498)  0.149172538211
  (2553, 3772)  0.140598133976
  (2553, 4308)  0.0704700896603
  (2553, 4323)  0.0800039075449
  (2553, 4505)  0.163830579067
  (2553, 4663)  0.0513678549359
  (2553, 4664)  0.0681930862174
  (2553, 4738)  0.114639856277
  (2553, 4855)  0.140598133976
  (2553, 4942)  0.138370066422
  (2553, 4967)  0.143088901589
  (2553, 5001)  0.185244190321
  (2553, 5008)  0.0876615764151
  (2553, 5010)  0.108531807984
  (2553, 5053)  0.136354534152
  (2553, 5104)  0.0928665728295
  (2553, 5148)  0.171292088292
  (2553, 5152)  0.172404983302
  (2553, 5191)  0.104762377866
  (2553, 5265)  0.123712025565



一种选择是将这两个新特征作为添加到您的 CountVectorizer 矩阵中。

由于您没有执行任何 tf-idf,您的计数矩阵将填充整数,因此您可以将新列编码为 int 值。


  • 情感 [-5,...,5] 转换为 [0,...,10]
  • 带有句子主题的字符串。只需将整数分配给不同的主题({'unicorns':0, 'batman':1, ...}),您可以保留字典结构来分配整数并避免重复主题。

以防万一您不知道如何向您的 train_matrix 添加列:

dense_matrix = train_matrix.todense() # countvectorizer returns a sparse matrix

请注意,[val1,...,valN] 列的长度必须与 num 相同。您正在使用的样本


Update: better use a 'one hot' encoder to encode categorical features ( This way you prevent weird behavior by assigning integer values to your new features (maybe you can still do that with sentiment, because in a scale of sentiment from 0 to 10 you assume that a 9 sentiment is closer to a sample with sentiment 10 rather than another with sentiment 0). But with categorical features you better do the one-hot encoding. So let's say you have 3 topics, then you can use same technique of adding columns only now you have to add 3 instead of one [topic1,topic2,topic3]. This way if you have a sample that belongs to topic1, you'll encode this as [1 , 0 , 0], if that's topic3, your representation is [0, 0, 1] (you mark with 1 the column that corresponds to the topic)

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