xml - 保存 xml 数据响应 [swift]

标签 xml swift

这是我从 api 返回的 xml 响应:

        <name>Moco Black Bean Drink</name>
        <delivery_time>24 hours</delivery_time>
                <zone_name>Within Klang Valley</zone_name>
        <name>Hongcho Vinegar Drink Pomegranate </name>
        <delivery_time>24 hours</delivery_time>
                <zone_name>Within Klang Valley</zone_name>

棘手的问题是price_records部分,有些商品只会返回1条价格记录,有些会返回2条价格记录等等(如我提供的回复),如何保存呢?我正在使用 SWXMLHash 库


let xml = SWXMLHash.parse(data)

for item in xml["item"] { // Iterate over items
    if let priceRecordsValue = item["price_records"].element?.text { // Check if price_records value exist
        let priceRecordsCount = Int(priceRecordsValue) ?? 1 // Keep amount of price records in form of Int, default is 1
        for index in 0...(priceRecordsCount-1) { // Iterate over the amount of price records
            if let optionElement = item["price_option"]["option"][index].element { // Check if option element[n] exists
                // Do something with option element[n] here

关于xml - 保存 xml 数据响应 [swift],我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38866872/


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