ios - 使用 Swift (LinkedIn API) 将 JSON 响应解析为数据模型

标签 ios json swift linkedin-api

我正在使用 LinkedInSwift 在用户验证其凭据后获取用户数据。我已经能够打印出显示其数据的 response。但我现在正在尝试将该数据解析为数据模型。

我有一个 User 类:

typealias JSON = [String: Any]

class User {

    var id: String?
    var firstName: String?
    var lastName: String?

    init(json: JSON) {

        guard let id = json["id"] as? String, let firstName = json["firstName"] as? String, let lastName = json["lastName"] as? String else { return } = id
        self.firstName = firstName
        self.lastName = lastName

这里是 LinkedIn 的可能获取方法:

linkedinHelper.authorizeSuccess({ (lsToken) -> Void in
            //Login success lsToken
            print("User has logged in succesfully!")

            //Check if the user user is logged in and perform and action if they are.
            if self.linkedinHelper.lsAccessToken != nil {
                                          requestType: LinkedinSwiftRequestGet,
                                          success: { (response) -> Void in


                                            //Request success response
                }) { [unowned self] (error) -> Void in

                    //Encounter error
            } else {


        }, error: { (error) -> Void in
            print("Uh oh, there was an issue.")
            //Encounter error: error.localizedDescription
        }, cancel: { () -> Void in
            //User Cancelled!

我在各个地方都看过这方面的内容,但似乎唯一的示例和文档都停留在 response 或需要第三方框架来解析数据。请有人帮助指导我实现我的目标。



<LSResponse - data: {
    firstName = Joe;
    id = htcxTEeLk4;
    lastName = Smith;


class User {

var id: String?
var firstName: String?
var lastName: String?

init(json: JSON) {

    guard let id = json["id"] as? String, let firstName = json["firstName"] as? String, let lastName = json["lastName"] as? String else { return } = id
    self.firstName = firstName
    self.lastName = lastName

linkedinHelper.authorizeSuccess({ (lsToken) -> Void in
        //Login success lsToken
        print("User has logged in succesfully!")

        //Check if the user user is logged in and perform and action if they are.
        if self.linkedinHelper.lsAccessToken != nil {
                                      requestType: LinkedinSwiftRequestGet,
                                      success: { (response) -> Void in

                                        let user = User(json: response.jsonObject)

                                        //Request success response
            }) { [unowned self] (error) -> Void in

                //Encounter error
        } else {


    }, error: { (error) -> Void in
        print("Uh oh, there was an issue.")
        //Encounter error: error.localizedDescription
    }, cancel: { () -> Void in
        //User Cancelled!

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