arrays - 如何在 Swift 中转换字符串?

标签 arrays swift swift3 swift-string



case 1:
  string inputs: abc, xyz, mno, & llr   // All Strings from a dictionary
  output: ["abc","xyz", "mno", "llr"]  //I need to get the String array like this.


 var stringBuilder:[String] = [];
 for i in 0..<4 {
   stringBuilder.append("abc"); //Appends all four Strings from a Dictionary

print(stringBuilder); //Output is 0: abc, 1:xyz like that, how to get desired format of that array like ["abc", "xyz"];


let arr = Array(stringReturn.values);
//print(arr)  // Great, it prints ["abc","xyz"];
let context = JSContext()
let testFunction = context?.objectForKeyedSubscript("KK")
let result = testFunction?.call(withArguments:arr); // Here when I debugger enabled array is passed to call() like 0:"abc" 1:"xyz". where as it should be passed as above print.

其次,如何在 swift 中替换转义字符:我在 replaceOccurances(of:"\\'"with:"'"); 中使用了“\”,但它没有变化。为什么以及如何逃避该序列。

case 2:
  string input: \'abc\'
  output: 'abc'


要将字典的所有值作为数组获取,您可以使用字典的 values 属性:

let dictionary: Dictionary<String, Any> = [
    "key_a": "value_a",
    "key_b": "value_b",
    "key_c": "value_c",
    "key_d": "value_d",
    "key_e": 3

let values = Array(dictionary.values)
// values: ["value_a", "value_b", "value_c", "value_d", 3]

使用filter,您可以忽略字典中所有不是String 类型的值:

let stringValues = values.filter({ $0 is String }) as! [String]
// stringValues: ["value_a", "value_b", "value_c", "value_d"]

使用 map ,您可以转换 stringValues 的值并应用您的 replacingOccurrences 函数:

let adjustedValues ={ $0.replacingOccurrences(of: "value_", with: "") })
// adjustedValues: ["a", "b", "c", "d"]

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