ios - UIStackview 在隐藏其中的标签时不调整大小

标签 ios swift xcode uistackview

您好,我是 UIStackViews 的新手。
所以我有一个包含 8 个标签的垂直 Stackview。
但是,我的 Stackview 的问题是,每当我将标签隐藏在其中时,我的 Stackview 都不会调整大小。

The labels within the Red Rectangle are in my Stackview
When I hide those labels of the Stackview, I want my screen to look like this
However for some reason when I hide those labels, it looks like this instead with all the space visible and the stuff at the bottom doesn't go up


 override func viewDidLoad() {
        showingResultLabel.isHidden = true
        addressLabel.isHidden = true
        costOfKitLabel.isHidden = true
        costOfModularLabel.isHidden = true
        dispatchedFromLabel.isHidden = true
        kitHomecostLabel.isHidden = true
        modularHomecostLabel.isHidden = true
        dispatchFromLabel.isHidden = true




enter image description here

stackview 的约束

enter image description here

关于ios - UIStackview 在隐藏其中的标签时不调整大小,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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