ios - 类型 'MyWeights' 不符合协议(protocol) 'NSCopying'

标签 ios swift nsobject swift-protocols metal-performance-shaders

我正在使用 Metal Performance Shader 设置神经网络,在编写权重初始化类时遇到了问题:Type 'MyWeights' does not conform to protocol 'NSCopying'。是什么导致了错误,以及如何解决这个问题?

附言。我试图通过添加 copy() 函数来修复它,但是我不知道要返回什么或它意味着什么。

import Foundation
import MetalPerformanceShaders

class MyWeights: NSObject, MPSCNNConvolutionDataSource {
//Error: Type 'MyWeights' does not conform to protocol 'NSCopying'

func copy(with zone: NSZone? = nil) -> Any {
    return self

let name: String
let kernelWidth: Int
let kernelHeight: Int
let inputFeatureChannels: Int
let outputFeatureChannels: Int

var data: Data?

init(name: String, kernelWidth: Int, kernelHeight: Int,
     inputFeatureChannels: Int, outputFeatureChannels: Int,
     useLeaky: Bool = true) { = name
    self.kernelWidth = kernelWidth
    self.kernelHeight = kernelHeight
    self.inputFeatureChannels = inputFeatureChannels
    self.outputFeatureChannels = outputFeatureChannels

func dataType() -> MPSDataType {
    return .float32

func descriptor() -> MPSCNNConvolutionDescriptor {
    let desc = MPSCNNConvolutionDescriptor(kernelWidth: kernelWidth,
                                           kernelHeight: kernelHeight,
                                           inputFeatureChannels: inputFeatureChannels,
                                           outputFeatureChannels: outputFeatureChannels)
    return desc

func weights() -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
    return UnsafeMutableRawPointer(mutating: (data! as NSData).bytes)

func biasTerms() -> UnsafeMutablePointer<Float>? {
    return nil

func load() -> Bool {
    if let url = Bundle.main.url(forResource: name, withExtension: "dat") {
        do {
            data = try Data(contentsOf: url)
            return true
        } catch {
            print("Error: could not load \(url): \(error)")
    return false

func purge() {
    data = nil

func label() -> String? {
    return name





class MyWeights: NSObject, MPSCNNConvolutionDataSource, NSCopying {

    func copy(with zone: NSZone? = nil) -> Any {
        return MyWeights(
          kernelWidth: self.kernelWidth,
          kernelHeight: self.kernelHeight,
          inputFeatureChannels: self.inputFeatureChannels,
          outputFeatureChannels: self.outputFeatureChannels,
          useLeaky: self.useLeaky)
    //The rest of your class

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