javascript - 我正在尝试在 URL 上使用 JSContext evaluateScript 运行 javascript

标签 javascript swift

我正在尝试在 URL 上使用 evaluateScript。在文档中显示:

func evaluateScript(_ script: String!, withSourceURL sourceURL: URL!) -> JSValue!
func initializeJS() {
    self.jsContext = JSContext()

    // Specify the path to the jssource.js file.
    if let jsSourcePath = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "Rejistration", ofType: "js") {
        do {
            // Load its contents to a String variable.
            let jsSourceContents = try String(contentsOfFile: jsSourcePath)

            // Add the Javascript code that currently exists in the jsSourceContents to the Javascript Runtime through the jsContext object.
            let newURL = URL(string: "")
            self.jsContext.evaluateScript(jsSourceContents, newURL )

            if let variableHelloWorld = self.jsContext.objectForKeyedSubscript("helloWorld") {
        catch {



self.jsContext.evaluateScript(jsSourceContents, newURL )


Cannot invoke 'evaluateScript' with an argument list of type '(String, URL?)'


您忘记了 withSourceURL: 参数标签。

self.jsContext.evaluateScript(jsSourceContents, withSourceURL: newURL)

您还需要一个非可选的 URL。因此,如果您知道它不会失败,或者在尝试使用它之前安全地解包它,要么强制解包 newURL

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