ios - 在应用程序处于后台状态时进行服务调用

标签 ios swift

当应用程序处于后台状态时,我必须每 30 秒访问一次服务器。如果我在 applicationDidEnterBackground 方法中编写了代码,它只会被调用一次,但我需要在应用程序处于后台时每 30 秒连续访问一次服务器。



Location manager that allows getting background location updates every n seconds with desired location accuracy.


  • OS will never kill our app if the location manager is currently running.

  • Give periodically location update when it required(range is between 2 - 170 seconds (limited by max allowed background task time))

  • Customizable location accuracy and time period.

  • Low memory consumption(Singleton class)

检索位置的默认时间为 30 秒,准确度为 200。

static let timeInternal = 30
static let accuracy = 200


是的,您可以通过在 didUpdateLocations 方法中编写 API 调用来实现。

func scheduledLocationManager(_ manager: HSLocationManager, didUpdateLocations locations: [CLLocation]) {
   logh("Make API Call here...")

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