json - 解码 [String :Any] in Swift 的 JSON 字典时出错

标签 json swift dictionary decodable

我正在尝试解码一个名为 properties 的字典,它有 2 个键值对,具有不同类型的数据,String 和 Boolean。

    "type": "FeatureCollection",
    "query": [
    "features": [
            "id": "poi.738734375380",
            "type": "Feature",
            "place_type": [
            "relevance": 1,
            "properties": {
                "wikidata": "Q1932928",
                "landmark": true,
                "category": "airport",
                "maki": "airport"
            "text": "Aeropuerto Internacional de Loreto",
            "place_name": "Aeropuerto Internacional de Loreto, Loreto, Baja California Sur 23889, Mexico",
            "matching_text": "Loreto International Airport",
            "matching_place_name": "Loreto International Airport, Loreto, Baja California Sur 23889, Mexico",
            "center": [
            "geometry": {
                "coordinates": [
                "type": "Point"
            "context": [
                    "id": "postcode.18084443266252890",
                    "text": "23889"
                    "id": "place.14237343392099110",
                    "wikidata": null,
                    "text": "Loreto"
                    "id": "region.4595447518930340",
                    "short_code": "MX-BCS",
                    "wikidata": "Q46508",
                    "text": "Baja California Sur"
                    "id": "country.1891876083773450",
                    "short_code": "mx",
                    "wikidata": "Q96",
                    "text": "Mexico"
            "id": "region.7294174250099110",
            "type": "Feature",
            "place_type": [
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            "properties": {
                "short_code": "PE-LOR",
                "wikidata": "Q200938"
            "text": "Loreto",
            "place_name": "Loreto, Peru",
            "bbox": [
            "center": [
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                "type": "Point",
                "coordinates": [
            "context": [
                    "id": "country.8104362620964510",
                    "short_code": "pe",
                    "wikidata": "Q419",
                    "text": "Peru"
            "id": "place.13763862540099110",
            "type": "Feature",
            "place_type": [
            "relevance": 1,
            "properties": {
                "wikidata": "Q124110"
            "text": "Loreto",
            "place_name": "Loreto, Ancona, Italy",
            "bbox": [
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            "context": [
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                    "text": "Ancona"
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                    "short_code": "it",
                    "wikidata": "Q38",
                    "text": "Italy"
            "id": "poi.2568390505832",
            "type": "Feature",
            "place_type": [
            "relevance": 1,
            "properties": {
                "landmark": true,
                "address": "Calle 5, La Urbina",
                "category": "italian restaurant, italian food, restaurant"
            "text": "Loreto's",
            "place_name": "Loreto's, Calle 5, La Urbina, Sucre, Miranda, Venezuela",
            "center": [
            "geometry": {
                "coordinates": [
                "type": "Point"
            "context": [
                    "id": "place.13896838717891910",
                    "wikidata": "Q400079",
                    "text": "Sucre"
                    "id": "region.2525680865649430",
                    "short_code": "VE-M",
                    "wikidata": "Q191174",
                    "text": "Miranda"
                    "id": "country.5958724522570350",
                    "short_code": "ve",
                    "wikidata": "Q717",
                    "text": "Venezuela"
            "id": "poi.2439541497917",
            "type": "Feature",
            "place_type": [
            "relevance": 1,
            "properties": {
                "landmark": true,
                "address": "Corredera baja de San Pablo, 6",
                "category": "spanish restaurant, spanish food, restaurant"
            "text": "Loreto Coffee-Bar",
            "place_name": "Loreto Coffee-Bar, Corredera baja de San Pablo, 6, Madrid, Madrid 28004, Spain",
            "center": [
            "geometry": {
                "coordinates": [
                "type": "Point"
            "context": [
                    "id": "locality.5946271622443140",
                    "wikidata": "Q10387767",
                    "text": "Universidad"
                    "id": "postcode.9832348953129320",
                    "text": "28004"
                    "id": "place.10692955307562040",
                    "wikidata": "Q2807",
                    "text": "Madrid"
                    "id": "region.13206054317562040",
                    "short_code": null,
                    "wikidata": "Q2807",
                    "text": "Madrid"
                    "id": "country.8849824479570100",
                    "short_code": "es",
                    "wikidata": "Q29",
                    "text": "Spain"
    "attribution": "NOTICE: © 2019 Mapbox and its suppliers. All rights reserved. Use of this data is subject to the Mapbox Terms of Service (https://www.mapbox.com/about/maps/). This response and the information it contains may not be retained. POI(s) provided by Foursquare."

这个错误发生在我使用 JSONDecoder 时: “本应解码字符串,但却发现了一个数字。”

Swift 中的 Decodable 不允许使用 [String:Any] 我已经尝试像数组一样解码,但不,是字典。

struct SearchResult:Decodable{
    let type:String
    let features:[Place]

struct Place:Decodable {
    let place_name:String
    let properties:[String:String]
    let center:[Double]




let properties:[String:String]

这里你是说 properties 是一个字典。这还不够好。当然,在 JSON 中它是一个字典,但是要使用 JSONDecoder 解码字典,您需要一个与字典匹配的进一步嵌套结构。我们称之为属性。所以你会说

let properties:Properties

然后您将定义一个可解码的 Properties 结构。

但是,您遇到了一个问题:properties 字典并不都具有相同的键集。每次都有一些存在,一些不存在。要解决这个问题,请在定义 Properties 结构时使用 Optionals:

struct SearchResult:Decodable{
    let type:String
    let features:[Place]
struct Place:Decodable {
    let place_name:String
    let properties:Properties
    let center:[Double]
struct Properties:Decodable {
    let landmark : Bool?
    let address : String?
    let category : String?
    let wikidata : String?
    let short_code : String?
    let maki : String?

这似乎成功解码了您实际显示的 JSON。我明白了:

SearchResult(type: "FeatureCollection", features: [Place(place_name: "Aeropuerto Internacional de Loreto, Loreto, Baja California Sur 23889, Mexico", properties: Properties(landmark: Optional(true), address: nil, category: Optional("airport"), wikidata: Optional("Q1932928"), short_code: nil, maki: Optional("airport")), center: [-111.350714, 25.990894999999998]), Place(place_name: "Loreto, Peru", properties: Properties(landmark: nil, address: nil, category: nil, wikidata: Optional("Q200938"), short_code: Optional("PE-LOR"), maki: nil), center: [-74.319999999999993, -4.0]), Place(place_name: "Loreto, Ancona, Italy", properties: Properties(landmark: nil, address: nil, category: nil, wikidata: Optional("Q124110"), short_code: nil, maki: nil), center: [13.607430000000001, 43.440300000000001]), Place(place_name: "Loreto\'s, Calle 5, La Urbina, Sucre, Miranda, Venezuela", properties: Properties(landmark: Optional(true), address: Optional("Calle 5, La Urbina"), category: Optional("italian restaurant, italian food, restaurant"), wikidata: nil, short_code: nil, maki: nil), center: [-66.808421999999993, 10.492139999999999]), Place(place_name: "Loreto Coffee-Bar, Corredera baja de San Pablo, 6, Madrid, Madrid 28004, Spain", properties: Properties(landmark: Optional(true), address: Optional("Corredera baja de San Pablo, 6"), category: Optional("spanish restaurant, spanish food, restaurant"), wikidata: nil, short_code: nil, maki: nil), center: [-3.7044929999999998, 40.421894000000002])])

如果我遗漏了任何可能的键,只需以相同的方式添加它们。检查 mapbox api 以查看是否有任何其他可能性。

关于json - 解码 [String :Any] in Swift 的 JSON 字典时出错,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56419787/


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