swift - 我如何使用 RxSwift 让我的程序快速响应

标签 swift mvvm reactive-programming rx-swift eureka-forms


我在 OSX 上,最后一个,使用最后一个 xcode 版本,和最后一个版本的 iOS :)

我在测试项目中实现 mvvm 和响应式编程时遇到了一些问题。 对于响应式(Reactive),我使用这里的 RxSwift 库 RxSwift

// so here my implementation of SettingsVC.swift

import UIKit
import SpeedLog
import RxCocoa
import RxSwift
import Eureka

class SettingsVC: FormViewController {
    let viewModel = SettingsVM()

    override func viewDidLoad() {


    func setupFormer() {
        //        self.tableView?
        //            .rx_setDelegate(self)
        //            .addDisposableTo(disposeBag)
        //        // Setup Observer


    func setRegisterAndLoginRows() {
            +++= ButtonRow("connectDisconnect") {
                $0.title = "Connexion"
                } .onCellSelection { row in
                    SpeedLog.print((row.cell.textLabel?.text)! + " called")
                    UIViewController.pushModal(self, pushModalTo: PushModalTo.Connection)

            <<< ButtonRow("registration") {
                $0.title = "Inscription"
                } .onCellSelection { row in
                    SpeedLog.print((row.cell.textLabel?.text)! + " called")
                    //UIViewController.pushModal(self, pushModalTo: PushModalTo.Connection)

    func setProfileRow() {
            +++= Section("Mon compte")

            <<< LabelRow("profile") {
                $0.title = "Mon profil"
                $0.value = "Non enregistré"
                let cell = $0
                    .subscribeNext { username in
                        if let usernameTemp = username {
                            cell.value = usernameTemp
                } .onCellSelection { row in
                    SpeedLog.print((row.cell.textLabel?.text)! + " called")
                    UIViewController.pushView(self, pushSettingsTo: PushSettingsTo.MyProfile)

// my SessionManager

import Foundation
import RxSwift

let Session = SessionManager.sharedInstance

class SessionManager {
    static let sharedInstance = SessionManager()

    var appUser: AppUser?

    init() {
        self.appUser = nil

// and my class User, because AppUser just inherit from User

import Foundation
import SpeedLog
import RxSwift

class User {
    var username: Variable<String?> = Variable(nil)
    var accessToken: Variable<String?> = Variable(nil)
    var country: Variable<String?> = Variable(nil)
    var created: Variable<NSDate?> = Variable(nil)
    var disabled: Variable<Bool?> = Variable(nil)
    var displayName: Variable<String?> = Variable(nil)
    var email: Variable<String?> = Variable(nil)
    var emailVerified: Variable<Bool?> = Variable(nil)
    var locale: Variable<LocaleContainer?> = Variable(nil)
    var modified: Variable<NSDate?> = Variable(nil)
    var phoneNumber: Variable<String?> = Variable(nil)
    var phoneVerified: Variable<Bool?> = Variable(nil)
    var userID: Variable<String?> = Variable(nil)
    var picture: Variable<UIImage?> = Variable(nil)
    var pictureURL: Variable<String?> = Variable(nil)
    let disposeBag = DisposeBag()

    func set(kiiUser: KiiUser) {
        self.username.value = kiiUser.username
        self.accessToken.value = kiiUser.accessToken
        self.country.value = kiiUser.country
        self.created.value = kiiUser.created
        self.disabled.value = kiiUser.disabled
        self.displayName.value = kiiUser.displayName
        self.email.value = kiiUser.email
        self.emailVerified.value = kiiUser.emailVerified
        self.locale.value = kiiUser.locale
        self.modified.value = kiiUser.modified
        self.phoneNumber.value = kiiUser.phoneNumber
        self.phoneVerified.value = kiiUser.phoneVerified
        self.userID.value = kiiUser.userID
        self.picture.value = UIImage()
        self.pictureURL.value = String()

我已经尝试将 Singleton 更改为 Variable() 但它不起作用.. 我做错了什么? 抱歉我的英语不好:/




我找到了一个实现 Eureka 库、rxswift 和 MVVM 的解决方案,我将分享它:


import UIKit
import SpeedLog
import RxCocoa
import RxSwift
import Eureka

class SettingsVC: FormViewController {

private var viewModel: SettingsVM?
private let disposeBag      = DisposeBag()

override func viewDidLoad() {


func initUI() {
    // Settings form rows
        +++=    ButtonRow("connectDisconnect")
        <<<     ButtonRow("registration")

        +++=    Section("Mon compte")
        <<<     LabelRow("profile")


func bindViewModel() {
    self.viewModel = SettingsVM(form: &self.form, vc: self)


import Foundation
import SpeedLog
import RxCocoa
import RxSwift
import RxViewModel
import Eureka

class SettingsVM: RxViewModel {
// Private
private let disposeBag      = DisposeBag()
let vc:                     SettingsVC
let connectDisconnectRow:   ButtonRow?
let inscriptionRow:         ButtonRow?
let myProfileRow:           LabelRow?

init(inout form: Form, vc: SettingsVC) {
    self.vc = vc
    self.connectDisconnectRow   = form.rowByTag("connectDisconnect")
    self.inscriptionRow         = form.rowByTag("registration")
    self.myProfileRow           = form.rowByTag("profile")


func configureCell() {
    // Connexion Disconnect button
    connectDisconnectRow?.baseCell.baseRow.title = "Connexion"
    connectDisconnectRow?.onCellSelection { cell, row in
        SpeedLog.print((row.cell.textLabel?.text)! + " called")
        UIViewController.pushModal(self.vc, pushModalTo: PushModalTo.Connection)

    // Inscription button
    inscriptionRow?.baseCell.baseRow.title = "Inscription"
    inscriptionRow?.onCellSelection { cell, row in
        SpeedLog.print((row.cell.textLabel?.text)! + " called")
        UIViewController.pushModal(self.vc, pushModalTo: PushModalTo.Registration)

    // My profile button
    myProfileRow?.baseCell.baseRow.title = "Mon profil"
    myProfileRow?.baseCell.baseRow.baseValue = "Non enregistré"

    _ = Session.appUser.displayName.asObservable().subscribeNext { displayName in
        if displayName != "" && displayName != nil {
            self.myProfileRow?.baseCell.baseRow.baseValue = displayName
    myProfileRow?.onCellSelection { cell, row in
        SpeedLog.print((row.cell.textLabel?.text)! + " called")
        UIViewController.pushView(self.vc, pushSettingsTo: PushSettingsTo.MyProfile)

我希望它能帮助所有想要实现这些东西的人:) 再见

关于swift - 我如何使用 RxSwift 让我的程序快速响应,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37882812/


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