swift - 如何从字典中删除某个 CGPoint

标签 swift sorting dictionary filter swift3


pt1.array = [0:[pt2.point], 
             1:[pt8.point, pt12.point, pt4.point],  
             2:[pt20.point, pt14.point, pt3.point], 
             3:[pt7.point, pt8.point, pt9.point]]
pt2.array = [0:[pt5.point], 
             1:[pt8.point, pt11.point, pt1.point], 
             2:[pt10.point, pt9.point, pt3.point], 
             3:[pt6.point, pt1.point, pt4.point]]
pt3.array = [0:[pt13.point], 
             1:[pt1.point, pt15.point, pt7.point], 
             2:[pt19.point, pt14.point, pt2.point], 
             3:[pt10.point, pt11.point, pt12.point]]
pt4.array = [0:[pt8.point], 
             1:[pt9.point, pt11.point, pt13.point],
             2:[pt14.point, pt15.point, pt6.point], 
             3:[pt3.point, pt2.point, pt1.point]]
pt5.array = [0:[pt18.point], 
             1:[pt8.point, pt6.point, pt1.point], 
             2:[pt3.point, pt17.point, pt4.point], 
             3:[pt16.point, pt15.point, pt14.point]]

allPoints = [pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4, pt5]

我如何迭代以从 中的所有 Int-[CGPoint] 字典中删除 pt3.point 这是一个 CGPoint >allPoints 数组?


for pt in allPoints {
    for ptArrIndex in pt.arrays    {

        for (key, value) in ptArrIndex   {
            //remove point from dict here


Type '(key: Int, value:[CGPoint])' (aka'(key: Int, value: Array<CGPoint>)') does not conform to protocol 'Sequence'


for (key, value) in ptArrIndex   {



struct Point {
    var point: CGPoint
    var arrays: [Int: [CGPoint]]


根据 Rob Napier 的建议,我更新了问题:


struct Location {
    var point: CGPoint
    var changedLoc: [Int: [CGPoint]]

其中 point 表示 LocationCGPointchangedLoc 表示所有可能的 CGPoints 组Location 可以更改为。我是随机计算的。


var location1 = Location(point: initialBallPosition, changedLoc: [0: [CGPoint(x: 421.0, y: 43.0), CGPoint(x: 202.0, y: 69.0)], 1: [CGPoint(x: 121.0, y: 198.0)]])
var location2 = Location(point: initialBallPosition, changedLoc: [0: [CGPoint(x: 421.0, y: 43.0), CGPoint(x: 123.0, y: 254.0)], 1: [CGPoint(x: 90.0, y: 104.0)]])

var allLocations = [location1, location2]

allLocations 我怎样才能删除点 CGPoint(x: 421.0, y: 43.0) 这在 location1location2 changedLoc?


func locationsRemoving(changedLoc removePoint: CGPoint, from locations: [Location]) -> [Location] {
    return locations.map { location in
        var changedLoc: [Int: [CGPoint]] = [:]
        for (key, values) in location.changedLoc {
            changedLoc[key] = values.filter{ $0 != removePoint }
        return Location(point: location.point, changedLoc: changedLoc)

let removePoint = CGPoint(x: 421.0, y: 43.0)
print(locationsRemoving(changedLoc: removePoint, from: allLocations))

关于swift - 如何从字典中删除某个 CGPoint,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42120076/


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