ios - 你如何制作一个必须对 firebase 数据库进行查询并将查询值作为 int 返回的函数?

标签 ios swift firebase firebase-realtime-database

我们目前正在制作一个 iOS 应用程序,并使用 firebase 作为其数据库。请在下面找到我们的代码。

static func getTilesPerRow () -> Int{

    let user = Auth.auth().currentUser
    guard let uid = user?.uid else {
        return -2
    var ref: DatabaseReference!
    ref = Database.database().reference()
    let userRef = ref.child("user").child(uid)

    var num = -1

    let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "observer")

    userRef.child("tilesPerRow").observe(DataEventType.value, with: { (snapshot) in
        // Get user value
        print("now inside the observe thing------------------")
        let value = snapshot.value as? NSDictionary
        num = snapshot.value as? Int ?? 0
        print("just updated the number to ", num)
        print("the snapshot is ", snapshot)
        print("the value is ", value)
        print("the real value is", snapshot.value)
        print("just making sure, the number that was set is ", num)

    }) { (error) in
        print("there was an error!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")

    print("about to return from the function ", num)
    return num


about to return from the function  -1
now inside the observe thing------------------
just updated the number to  5
the snapshot is  Snap (tilesPerRow) 5
the value is  nil
the real value is Optional(5)
just making sure, the number that was set is  5


now inside the observe thing------------------
just updated the number to  5
the snapshot is  Snap (tilesPerRow) 5
the value is  nil
the real value is Optional(5)
just making sure, the number that was set is  5
about to return from the function  5

这里的问题是,我们试图获取查询已找到的值,但由于 .observe() 是异步的,函数在 .observe() 更新 num 的值之前完成。我们如何返回正确的值?



要获得异步操作结果,您可以使用 block 。

static func getTilesPerRow (@escaping completion: (Int?)->Void ) {

    let user = Auth.auth().currentUser
    guard let uid = user?.uid else {
    var ref: DatabaseReference!
    ref = Database.database().reference()
    let userRef = ref.child("user").child(uid)

    userRef.child("tilesPerRow").observeSingleEvent(DataEventType.value, with: { (snapshot) in
        // Get user value
        print("now inside the observe thing------------------")
        let value = snapshot.value as? NSDictionary
        let num = snapshot.value as? Int ?? 0

    }) { (error) in
        print("there was an error!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")

当结果准备就绪时,您将通过区 block 收到通知。成功后,您将获得您正在寻找的实际 num 或在发生任何错误时获得 nil

即使您可以通过在completion block 中的参数列表中添加额外参数来区分发生了何种错误。



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