ios - 如果没有收到数据则抛出异常

标签 ios swift nsarray option-type

我正在使用以下 Class 从外部数据库接收数据:

import Foundation

protocol HomeModelProtocal: class {
    func itemsDownloaded(items: NSArray)

class HomeModel: NSObject, NSURLSessionDataDelegate {


    weak var delegate: HomeModelProtocal!

    var data : NSMutableData = NSMutableData()

    var mi_movil: String = ""

    let misDatos:NSUserDefaults = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults()

    var urlPath: String = "http:...hidden here.."
    let parametros = "?id="

    func downloadItems() {

        mi_movil = misDatos.stringForKey("ID_IPHONE")!
        print ("mi_movil en HOMEMODEL:",mi_movil)
         urlPath = urlPath + parametros + mi_movil

        let url: NSURL = NSURL(string: urlPath)!
        var session: NSURLSession!
        let configuration = NSURLSessionConfiguration.defaultSessionConfiguration()

        print ("LA URL ES: ",url)
        session = NSURLSession(configuration: configuration, delegate: self, delegateQueue: nil)

        let task = session.dataTaskWithURL(url)



    func URLSession(session: NSURLSession, dataTask: NSURLSessionDataTask, didReceiveData data: NSData) {;


    func URLSession(session: NSURLSession, task: NSURLSessionTask, didCompleteWithError error: NSError?) {
        if error != nil {
            print("Failed to download data")
        }else {
            print("Data downloaded")



    func parseJSON() {

        var jsonResult: NSMutableArray = NSMutableArray()


            jsonResult = try NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(, options:NSJSONReadingOptions.AllowFragments) as! NSMutableArray

        } catch let error as NSError {


        var jsonElement: NSDictionary = NSDictionary()
        let locations: NSMutableArray = NSMutableArray()

        for(var i = 0; i < jsonResult.count; i++)

            jsonElement = jsonResult[i] as! NSDictionary
            print (jsonElement)
            let location = MiAutoModel()

            //the following insures none of the JsonElement values are nil through optional binding
            if let id_mis_autos = jsonElement["id_mis_autos"] as? String,
                let modelo = jsonElement["modelo"] as? String,
                let ano = jsonElement["ano"] as? String,
                let id_movil = jsonElement["id_movil"] as? String

                location.id_mis_autos = id_mis_autos
                location.modelo = modelo
                location.ano = ano
                location.id_movil = id_movil




        dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), { () -> Void in




Could not cast value of type '__NSArray0' (0x1a0dd2978) to 'NSMutableArray' (0x1a0dd3490)



由于您似乎没有在任何地方修改 jsonResult,因此显而易见的选择是将其设为 NSArray 而不是 NSMutableArray,并更改向下转换以匹配它。

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