swift - Xcode 8.0 CBCentralManager 问题

标签 swift xcode core-bluetooth ios10 xcode8

我最近下载了 Xcode 8.0 并尝试运行我之前使用核心蓝牙的项目。

我在build设置中启用了 Use Legacy Swift Language Version 以兼容 swift 2.3 一切正常,但出现了一个问题,

func centralManagerDidUpdateState(central: CBCentralManager)
    print("state is \(central.state.rawValue)")
    if (central.state == CBCentralManagerState.PoweredOn)
        self.centralManager?.scanForPeripheralsWithServices([serviceUUID], options: nil)
        // do something like alert the user that ble is not on

以前 central.state 会返回 CBCentralManagerState 类型作为 int 但现在它返回 CBManagerState 所以出现错误所以我改为

 if (central.state == CBManagerState.PoweredOn)

CBManagerState 仅在 IOS 10+ 中受支持,但我想为 IOS 8.3+ 构建它,那么如何更改代码?

更新 我也将项目转换为 swift 3.0,但仍然是同样的问题,那么我如何在 ios 版本低于 10 的手机上运行这个项目?



func centralManagerDidUpdateState(central: CBCentralManager)
    print("state is \(central.state.rawValue)")
    if (central.state == .PoweredOn)
        self.centralManager?.scanForPeripheralsWithServices([serviceUUID], options: nil)
        // do something like alert the user that ble is not on



关于swift - Xcode 8.0 CBCentralManager 问题,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39606316/


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