swift - 按国家 ISO 获取 NumberFormatter 货币

标签 swift swift4 nsnumberformatter

我创建了一个很大的国家/地区货币列表及其 ISO 代码。


 "USD" - "United States"
 "EUR" - "Euro"
 "JPY" - "Yen"

用户选择他们的自定义货币,我将其存储在 UserDefaults 中。

在我的数字格式化程序中,如何通过传入 iso 代码来显示货币?


 let formatter = NumberFormatter()

 let locale = Locale.availableIdentifiers.map { Locale(identifier: $0) }.first { $0.currencyCode == "EUR" }

// Instead of EUR I would display the user defaults. Testing Purposes Only.

 formatter.numberStyle = .currency
 formatter.locale  = locale as Locale
 formatter.maximumFractionDigits = 2
 $0.formatter = formatter



我所做的是根据用户自己的区域设置和特定货币代码创建自定义区域设置标识符。然后,该自定义语言环境将用作货币样式的常规 NumberFormatter 设置的语言环境。

// Pull apart the components of the user's locale
var locComps = Locale.components(fromIdentifier: Locale.current.identifier)
// Set the specific currency code
locComps[NSLocale.Key.currencyCode.rawValue] = "JPY" // or any other specific currency code
// Get the updated locale identifier
let locId = Locale.identifier(fromComponents: locComps)
// Get the new custom locale
let loc = Locale(identifier: locId)

// Create a normal currency formatter using the custom locale
let currFmt = NumberFormatter()
currFmt.locale = loc
currFmt.numberStyle = .currency





1.234,56 $
1.234,56 €
1.235 ¥

关于swift - 按国家 ISO 获取 NumberFormatter 货币,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52060289/


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