c# - 为什么这个通用扩展方法不能编译?

标签 c# generics .net-4.0 extension-methods covariance



public interface IBase {  }
public interface IChild : IBase {  }

public interface IFoo<out T> where T : IBase {  }


public static class FooExt
    public static void DoSomething<TFoo>(this TFoo foo)
        where TFoo : IFoo<IChild>
        IFoo<IChild> bar = foo;

        //foo.DoSomethingElse();    // Doesn't compile -- why not?
        bar.DoSomethingElse();      // OK
        DoSomethingElse(foo);       // Also OK!

    public static void DoSomethingElse(this IFoo<IBase> foo)

为什么 DoSomething 中注释掉的行不能编译?编译器非常乐意让我将 foo 分配给 bar,它与通用约束具有相同的类型,并改为调用扩展方法。没有扩展方法语法调用扩展方法也是没问题的。




'TFoo' does not contain a definition for 'DoSomethingElse' and the best extension method overload 'DoSomethingElse(IFoo)' has some invalid arguments


引用 C# 规范: Extension method invocations

In a method invocation (§ of one of the forms

expr . identifier ( )

expr . identifier ( args )

expr . identifier < typeargs > ( )

expr . identifier < typeargs > ( args )

if the normal processing of the invocation finds no applicable methods, an attempt is made to process the construct as an extension method invocation. If expr or any of the args has compile-time type dynamic, extension methods will not apply.

The objective is to find the best type-name C, so that the corresponding static method invocation can take place:

C . identifier ( expr )

C . identifier ( expr , args )

C . identifier < typeargs > ( expr )

C . identifier < typeargs > ( expr , args )

An extension method Ci.Mj is eligible if:

· Ci is a non-generic, non-nested class

· The name of Mj is identifier

· Mj is accessible and applicable when applied to the arguments as a static method as shown above

· An implicit identity, reference or boxing conversion exists from expr to the type of the first parameter of Mj.

DoSomethingElse(foo)编译但foo.DoSomethingElse()没有,它似乎是扩展方法重载解析中的编译器错误:隐式引用转换存在于 fooIFoo<IBase> .

关于c# - 为什么这个通用扩展方法不能编译?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6034871/


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