ios - "How to use Codable Protocol for a Networking Layer "

标签 ios swift encoding swift4 decoding

How to resolve this issue.......



"Cannot invoke 'decode' with an argument list of type '(Codable, from: Data)'" I think its happening because of error type or a mismatch Help me resolve this issue

enum Type:String {
    case GET
    case POST
    case PUT
    case DELETE

func networkRequest(MethodType:Type, url:String, codableType:Codable) {

    guard let getUrl = URL(string: url) else {return}

    if MethodType == Type.GET  {

        URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: getUrl) { (data, response, err) in

            if let urlRes = response as? HTTPURLResponse{

                if 200...300 ~= urlRes.statusCode {

                    guard let data = data else {return}

                    do {
                        let newData = try JSONDecoder().decode(codableType.self, from: data)
                    catch let jsonerr {
                        print("Error Occured :"+jsonerr.localizedDescription)







func networkRequest<T: Decodable>(MethodType:Type, url:String)

现在您可以使用 T.self 作为要解码的类型:

try JSONDecoder().decode(T.self, from: data)


func networkRequest<T: Decodable>(MethodType:Type, url:String, completionHandler: (T) -> Void)


networkRequest(MethodType: .GET, url: ...) {
    (myStuff: MyType) in

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