ios - swift:数组中的随机数

标签 ios swift


var shoppingList: [String] = ["one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "zero"]

我想在我的标签中显示 shoppingList 中的 3 个随机词。

我还有 10 个带有数字 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0 的按钮。我想在我的 textField 中输入等于数组中 3 个随机单词的数字,如果我成功或得到 print("不是”)。怎么做?

示例:例如我得到这 3 个单词 one , five , three 这意味着我应该按下带有数字 1,5,3 的按钮并输入这些数字在 textField 中。

@IBAction func numerals(_ sender: UIButton) {

    let number = sender.currentTitle        
    textField.text = textField.text! + number!

    if (textField.text?.count)! > 2 {             


var rand1 = ""
var rand2 = ""
var rand3 = ""

var textField1 = [Int]()
var code = [String]()

override func viewDidLoad() {

        var shoppingList: [String] = ["one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "zero"]

        rand1 = shoppingList[Int(arc4random()%(UInt32(shoppingList.count)))]
        rand2 = shoppingList[Int(arc4random()%(UInt32(shoppingList.count)))]
        rand3 = shoppingList[Int(arc4random()%(UInt32(shoppingList.count)))]

        //ensures rand1 and rand2 are not the same
        while(rand2 == rand1){
            rand2 = shoppingList[Int(arc4random()%(UInt32(shoppingList.count)))]
        //ensures rand3 is different from rand1 and rand2
        while(rand3 == rand1 || rand3 == rand2){
            rand3 = shoppingList[Int(arc4random()%(UInt32(shoppingList.count)))]

        code = ["\(rand1), \(rand2), \(rand3)"]

        label?.text = "\(rand1), \(rand2), \(rand3)"

func wordToNumber(with word: String) -> Int? {
        switch word {
        case "zero":
            return 0
        case "one":
            return 1
        case "two":
            return 2
        case "three":
            return 3
        case "four":
            return 4
        case "five":
            return 5
        case "six":
            return 6
        case "seven":
            return 7
        case "eight":
            return 8
        case "nine":
            return 9
            return nil

    func checkIfCodeIsCorrect() -> Bool {
        let codeAsNumbers = { return wordToNumber(with: $0) }
        return codeAsNumbers == textField1

@IBAction func control(_ sender: UIButton) {

        let number = sender.currentTitle

        textField.text = textField.text! + number!


        if (textField.text?.count)! > 2 {






您需要做的只是将 String 转换为 Int,这样您就可以比较数字了。这是您需要的代码:

import Foundation
import UIKit

func wordToNumber(with word: String) -> Int? {
    switch word {
    case "zero":
        return 0
    case "one":
        return 1
    case "two":
        return 2
    case "three":
        return 3
    case "four":
        return 4
    case "five":
        return 5
    case "six":
        return 6
    case "seven":
        return 7
    case "eight":
        return 8
    case "nine":
        return 9
        return nil

var textFieldInts = [3, 2, 6, 7, 1]
var code = ["three", "two", "six", "seven", "one"]

func checkIfCodeIsCorrect() -> Bool {
    let codeAsNumbers = { return wordToNumber(with: $0) }

    return codeAsNumbers == textFieldInts

print(checkIfCodeIsCorrect()) // Perform task if they are equal by placing an if or guard statement
  • textFieldInts 是用户输入的值,如[Int]

  • code 是您显示给用户输入的数字,如 [String]

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