ios - Swift 作用域规则——设置非 nil 值后的 nil 值

标签 ios swift swift2 ios9

我正在编写一个与 Firebase 交互的数据服务。我在闭包内设置 self.realID ,当我在闭包外引用它时,它失败了,因为它展开了一个 nil 值。为什么会这样?


import Foundation
import Firebase

class Database {

    var firebaseRef = Firebase(url:"https://<<UNIQUE>>")

    class var sharedInstance: Database {
        struct Data {
            static var instance: Database?
            static var token: dispatch_once_t = 0

        dispatch_once(&Data.token) {
            Data.instance = Database()

        return Data.instance!

    var uid : String!

    var realID : String!

    var validated = false

    func validate(user: String, study: String) -> Bool {

        firebaseRef.authUser(user+"", password: user,
             withCompletionBlock: { error, authData in
                if error != nil {
                } else {
                    self.uid = authData.uid

        let usersRef = Firebase(url: "https://<<UNIQUE>>")
        usersRef.observeEventType(FEventType.Value, withBlock: { (snapshot) in
            let value = snapshot.value.objectForKey("study") as! String
            self.realID = value
            NSLog(self.realID) // this is a non-nil value

        NSLog("About to encounter nil value and crash")
        if self.realID == study {
            return true
        return false

如何防止这种 fatal error 的发生?


您需要添加一个 completionHandler,因为它是异步请求。如果您要设置断点,则在设置 id 之前执行返回。

func validate(user: String, study: String, completionHandler:(Bool) -> Void) {

    let usersRef = Firebase(url: "https://<<UNIQUE>>")
    usersRef.observeEventType(FEventType.Value, withBlock: { (snapshot) in
        if let value = snapshot.value.objectForKey("study") as? String {
            self.realID = value
        } else {



validate("Rahul", study: "Study") { (value: Bool) in
    if value {

    } else {


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