swift - 如何在 swift 中向字典添加新键?

标签 swift dictionary swift2 nsdictionary

如何在 Swift 中向 Dictionary 添加新键?我收到一个错误:

This class is not key value coding-compliant for the key address...


let user = [
     "id": id,
     "name" : name

if customer.address != nil {
    let address = [
         "street": customer.address.street,
         "zip": customer.address.zip,

    user.setValue(address, forKey: "address")


var user = [
            "id": customer.id,
            "name" : customer.fullName!,
            "position" : customer.position != nil ? customer.position! : ""

        if customer.address != nil {
            let address = [
                "street": customer.address!.street,
                "zip":   customer.address!.zip

            user["address"] = address


问题是您正试图在字典中添加不同类型的值。如果您想添加不同类型的值,请使用 AnyAny 可以表示任何类型的实例。


var user: [String: Any] = [
  "id": "dd",
  "name" : "ddd"

let address = ["street": "ss","zip": "124115"]

user["address"] = address

关于swift - 如何在 swift 中向字典添加新键?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40928013/


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