swift - 如何使用 `JSON.Element` 将 `JSON` 转换为 "SwiftyJSON"?

标签 swift swift4 swifty-json

我想像下面那样做。如何使用“SwiftyJSON”将 JSON.Element 转换为 JSON

public func convert() -> String? {
    let json :JSON = ["Animals" : ["dog","cat"], "Shop":"Tokyo"]
    let animals = json["Animals"]
    let repezentativeAnimal = animals.first
    repezentativeAnimal!["Shop"] = json["Shop"] // Value of tuple type 'JSON.Element' (aka '(String, JSON)') has no member 'subscript'

    // I want to return String below
    //  ["dog":"---", "Shop":"Tokyo"]
    return repezentativeAnimal.rawString() // error : Value of type 'JSON.Element?' (aka 'Optional<(String, JSON)>') has no member 'rawString'


pods 安装

pod 'Alamofire-SwiftyJSON'


import SwiftyJSON

import Alamofire_SwiftyJSON

关于swift - 如何使用 `JSON.Element` 将 `JSON` 转换为 "SwiftyJSON"?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48615806/


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