unit-testing - Swift - 测试类中的对象实例化

标签 unit-testing swift xctest objectinstantiation


import XCTest
import TargetContainingClass

class Tests: XCTestCase
   var myClass = MyClass()

   // tests



'MyClass' is not constructible with '()'

MyClass 不包含 init() 方法,因此不需要用任何东西构造。因此,我不明白我得到的错误。




您需要提供 init() 的实现:

class MyClass {
  init () {}

Swift 文档指出:

“Swift provides a default initializer for any structure or base class that provides 
 default values for all of its properties and does not provide at least one initializer
 itself. The default initializer simply creates a new instance with all of 
 its properties set to their default values.”  
    Apple Inc. “The Swift Programming Language.”


  1> class MyClass1 {}
  2> MyClass1()
/var/folders/.../expr.DO8uJ4.swift:2:1: error: 'MyClass1' is not constructible with '()'
  2> class MyClass { 
  3.     init () {} 
  4. }    
  5> MyClass()
$R0: __lldb_expr_3.MyClass = {}

关于unit-testing - Swift - 测试类中的对象实例化,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25096619/


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