ios - 如何使用 Watchkit 进行异步操作(GPS + API 调用)和

标签 ios swift watchkit apple-watch

我对 Watchkit/iOS 应用程序通信有点困惑。这就是我想要做的

  1. 按 watch 上的按钮
  2. 获取当前 GPS 位置(通过手机)
  3. 使用 GPS 位置进行后端调用
  4. 在 watch 上展示后端结果

我想我在 WKInterfaceController.openParentApplicationhandleWatchKitExtensionRequest 方面走在了正确的轨道上,但我该如何进行异步调用?

func application(application: UIApplication!,
        handleWatchKitExtensionRequest userInfo: [NSObject : AnyObject]!,
        reply: (([NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> Void)!) {

            // 1
            if let request = userInfo["request"] as? String {
                if request == "refreshData" {

                    var backendService = BackendService()
                    var locationManager = LocationManager()

                    // How to wait for location manager to get lat/long?

                    backendService.makeAFantasticCAll(locationManager.latitude, longitude: locationManager.longitude)

                    // How to wait for result? Should i use a delegate? How can i fire reply() in this delegate?

                    // 3
                    reply(["result": NSKeyedArchiver.archivedDataWithRootObject(result)])


            // 4


好的,nestedCompletion 处理程序是一种解决方案(但难以阅读)

func application(application: UIApplication!,
    handleWatchKitExtensionRequest userInfo: [NSObject : AnyObject]!,
    reply: (([NSObject : AnyObject]!) -> Void)!) {

    if let request = userInfo["request"] as? String {

        if request == "refreshData" {

            // Get GPS Location
            var locationManager = LocationManager.sharedInstance
            locationManager.startUpdatingLocationWithCompletionHandler { (latitude, longitude, status, verboseMessage, error) -> () in

                // Call backend
                var backendService = BackendService()
                backendService.makeAFantasticCAll(latitude, longitude: longitude) { ( result:Result?, error:String?) -> () in

                    if let title: String = result?.title  {
                        reply(["title": title])





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