swift - HTTP 请求 PUT 文件(图像)到 Swift RESTful API (Grails)

标签 swift api rest grails httprequest

// authenticate
def authSite = new HTTPBuilder( 'https://*********.objectstore.eu/' )
authSite.auth.basic '******', '******'

def filestore = new File("C:/*****")
FileUtils.writeStringToFile(filestore, "datawhathwat")

//save object
authSite.request(PUT) { req ->
    uri.path = '/images/********.txt' 
    headers.'Content-Type' = 'image/jpg'

    body: "filestore"


使用此代码时, header 通过,创建了一个文件,但该文件是空的。

这是 API 文档的链接:http://developer.openstack.org/api-ref-objectstorage-v1.html#createOrReplaceObject



authSite.request(PUT) { req ->
    body: filestore.bytes

关于swift - HTTP 请求 PUT 文件(图像)到 Swift RESTful API (Grails),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31986262/


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