Swift2:按值删除对象的数组扩展 - Foundation

标签 swift parse-platform swift2



Array extension to remove object by value


func cell(cell: FriendSearchTableViewCell, didSelectUnfollowUser user: PFUser) {
    if var followingUsers = followingUsers {
        ParseHelper.removeFollowRelationshipFromUser(PFUser.currentUser()!, toUser: user)
        // update local cache
        removeObject(user, fromArray: &followingUsers)
        self.followingUsers = followingUsers

//对于 'removeObject' 会引发错误:

Use of unresolved identifier 'removeObject'

该函数通过 Array+RemoveObject.swift 文件调用框架 Foundation,该文件声明:

import Foundation

// Thanks to Martin R: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24938948/array-extension-to-remove-object-by-value

extension Array where Element : Equatable {
  // Remove first collection element that is equal to the given `object`:
mutating func removeObject(object : Generator.Element) {
        if let index = self.indexOf(object) {

我不确定我的工作区是否正确理解他需要引用这个 swift 文件来查找已识别的 removeObject 的详细信息。


PFUser 不符合 Equatable 协议(protocol),因此您的扩展不适用。但是 PFUser 是通过其用户名来识别的。您可以使用filter 解决您的问题,无需扩展:

func cell(cell: FriendSearchTableViewCell, didSelectUnfollowUser user: PFUser) {
    if var followers = followingUsers {
        ParseHelper.removeFollowRelationshipFromUser(PFUser.currentUser()!, toUser: user)
        // update local cache
        followers = followers.filter { $0.username != user.username } 
        self.followingUsers = followers

关于Swift2:按值删除对象的数组扩展 - Foundation,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33532978/


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