ios - 使用 iOS 和 Swift 的谷歌地图中的一些标记不会消失

标签 ios swift google-maps google-maps-api-3 swift3

我希望有人能帮我找出这个问题,我从昨天开始就有这个问题,一直在寻找可能是哪里出了问题,也许我漏掉了什么?我是 iOS 和 Swift 以及整个 Mac 生态系统的新手(使用 Mac 大约 2 个月)。

问题是我正在迁移到 native iOS Phonegap 应用程序,它依赖于很多标记(大约 300 到 400,并且滞后很多),其中一些可以被用户(按组)禁用,删除标记时会出现问题,其中一些标记仍然像幽灵一样,它们的 map 属性设置为 nil,并且没有触发触摸事件(我已将它们设置为执行 segue)




//parses some data, and retrieves some more to create the markers
func procesaMarcadores(retorno: [String:Any]) {

    //skiped a lot of previous code

    if let servicios = retorno["servicios"] as? NSArray {

        //a simple cycle to iterate through data recieved
        for item in servicios {
            let items = item as! NSDictionary

            //lazy, easy, and dirty way to retrieve latitude and longitude, must change
            let latitud = (items["direccion_georeferenciada_latitud"] as! NSString).doubleValue
            let longitud = (items["direccion_georeferenciada_longitud"] as! NSString).doubleValue
            let foto = self.urlFotos + String((items["foto"] as! NSString))

            //new marker                
            let marker = GMSMarker()
            marker.position = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: latitud, longitude: longitud)
            marker.userData = foto //a simple string with a url to use latter in the next view

            //setting mapView in main thread just for safety?, don't wanna mess something
       = self.mapView

            marker.icon = imagenChica //custom marker image

            //storing the objects in dictionary
            let tipo = items["id_tipo_servicio"] as! Int
            var arregloServicios = dicServicios[tipo] ?? []
            dicServicios[tipo] = arregloServicios


//updates markers, gets new data for markers, and deletes markers
func actualizaMarcadores(marcadores: [Any]?, seleccionado: Int, perfil: Int?){

//lots of deleted code

//deletes markers group if variable noSale is set to delete markers of the group of the variable seleccionado
    if noSale {
        //asynchronous delete just to be safe?
        DispatchQueue.main.async {
            //whiping markers from mapView
            var arregloServicios = self.dicServicios[seleccionado]
            for i in arregloServicios! {
       = nil
            //releasing a bit of memory
            self.dicServicios[seleccionado] = nil
            //already tried not deleting the marker objects

我已经用谷歌搜索了答案,我一直在研究但没有发现任何相关的东西,除了几年前,在一个旧的谷歌地图 api 中有一个错误,但它是固定的,也在文档中搜索但唯一的事情我发现删除标记的另一种方法是使用 mapView.clear() 但随后我将不得不重新分配所有标记并且 cpu 达到大约 60%,这比大约 5% cpu 更糟糕使用一些编码不佳的方法将字符串转换为 int。



import GoogleMaps
var arrayMarkerObj = [String:GMSMarker]() //Use dictionary
var driverMarker:GMSMarker! //Define it as gloabal
class markerController:UIViewController{

    func procesaMarcadores(retorno: [String:Any]) {

        //skiped a lot of previous code

        if let servicios = retorno["servicios"] as? NSArray {

            //a simple cycle to iterate through data recieved
            for item in servicios {
                let items = item as! NSDictionary

                //lazy, easy, and dirty way to retrieve latitude and longitude, must change
                let latitud = (items["direccion_georeferenciada_latitud"] as! NSString).doubleValue
                let longitud = (items["direccion_georeferenciada_longitud"] as! NSString).doubleValue
                let foto = self.urlFotos + String((items["foto"] as! NSString))

                //new marker

                 let positionDriver = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(latitude: latitud, longitude: longitud)
                var marker:GMSMarker! = GMSMarker(position: positionDriver)
                marker.userData = foto //a simple string with a url to use latter in the next view

                //setting mapView in main thread just for safety?, don't wanna mess something
//                DispatchQueue.main.async(){
//           = self.mapView
//                }

                marker.icon = imagenChica //custom marker image
           = self.mapView
                 self.arrayMarkerObj.updateValue(marker, forKey: key) //Put some uniqe KEY which define marker location
                 self.animateMarker(objMarker: marker, locations: positionDriver)
                //storing the objects in dictionary
//                let tipo = items["id_tipo_servicio"] as! Int
//                var arregloServicios = dicServicios[tipo] ?? []
//                arregloServicios.append(marker)
//                dicServicios[tipo] = arregloServicios

    func animateMarker(objMarker:GMSMarker,locations:CLLocationCoordinate2D){

        objMarker.position = locations

//Delete Marker
func deleteMark(){
     for(key, value) in self.arrayMarkerObj{
         self.driverMarker = self.arrayMarkerObj[key!]

                if(self.driverMarker != nil){
           = nil
                    self.arrayMarkerObj.removeValue(forKey: key!)



关于ios - 使用 iOS 和 Swift 的谷歌地图中的一些标记不会消失,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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