ios - Swift 4 你能用图像注释 PDF 吗

标签 ios swift pdf

我是 Swift 编程的新手,我创建了一个工作应用程序来简化我在现有 PDF 上以编程方式填写字段的任务。我已经将签名捕获为 UIImage,我想将其作为注释添加到 PDF 中,就像其他字段一样。这可能吗?

// Annotate Signature
let signatureFieldBounds = CGRect(x:390, y:142, width:100, height:30)
let signatureField = PDFAnnotation(bounds: signatureFieldBounds, forType: .stamp, withProperties: nil)
signatureField.fieldName = FieldNames.signature.rawValue
signatureField.backgroundColor = UIColor.clear
sigImage?.draw(in: signatureFieldBounds)


我也试过:signatureField.stampName = sigImage as! UIImage 而不是绘制函数,但这会给出错误“无法将类型‘UIImage’的值分配给类型‘String?’”

屏幕截图显示了我得到的注释: screenshot




创建自定义 PDFAnnotation,然后重写 draw 方法以在 pdf 上下文中绘制图像。

class ImageStampAnnotation: PDFAnnotation {

var image: UIImage!

// A custom init that sets the type to Stamp on default and assigns our Image variable
init(with image: UIImage!, forBounds bounds: CGRect, withProperties properties: [AnyHashable : Any]?) {
    super.init(bounds: bounds, forType: PDFAnnotationSubtype.stamp, withProperties: properties)

    self.image = image

required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
    fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")

override func draw(with box: PDFDisplayBox, in context: CGContext) {

    // Get the CGImage of our image
    guard let cgImage = self.image.cgImage else { return }

    // Draw our CGImage in the context of our PDFAnnotation bounds
    context.draw(cgImage, in: self.bounds)



guard let signatureImage = signatureImage, let page = pdfContainerView.currentPage else { return }
    let pageBounds = page.bounds(for: .cropBox)
    let imageBounds = CGRect(x: pageBounds.midX, y: pageBounds.midY, width: 200, height: 100)
    let imageStamp = ImageStampAnnotation(with: signatureImage, forBounds: imageBounds, withProperties: nil)

我写了一篇关于我是如何做到的中篇文章,向其中添加了一个手势识别器和一个 Canvas 来抓取签名:

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