ios - 在 iOS 上使用 MDCBottomNavigationBar 切换 View Controller

标签 ios swift material-design

我正在尝试创建一个使用 Material Design 库底部导航功能的 iOS 应用程序。我可以获得一个带有底部导航栏的 View Controller 来编译和显示,但是我无法添加其他 View Controller 并在单击不同选项卡时在它们之间切换。我将所有内容简化为两个文件:一个是带有底部导航内容的入口 View Controller ,另一个只是一个非常简单的 View Controller ,我实例化了 3 次以用作三个选项卡的目标。


Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'headerViewController does not have a parentViewController. Use [self addChildViewController:appBar.headerViewController]. This warning only appears in DEBUG builds'

据我所知,这与我的选项卡 View 有关。如果我注释掉执行 self.viewControllers = [...] 的行,那么它将正常加载,但不会在 View Controller 之间切换。

我不喜欢这种方法。如果有另一种方法可以做到这一点,我很想知道。我无法从文档中学到很多东西,但如果有其他类似选项卡的 Material Design 功能的文档,它们的工作方式非常相似,我认为这将为我指明正确的方向。

这是我的入口 View Controller 。我以其中一个示例为基础并对其进行了大量修改。

    import Foundation
import MaterialComponents
import UIKit

class ICEBottomNavController: UITabBarController, MDCBottomNavigationBarDelegate
    let appBar = MDCAppBar()
    var colorScheme = MDCSemanticColorScheme()

    // Create a bottom navigation bar to add to a view.
    let bottomNavBar = MDCBottomNavigationBar()

        super.init(nibName: nil, bundle: nil)

    @available(*, unavailable)
    required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder)
        super.init(coder: aDecoder)

    func initCommon()
        self.title = "Bottom Navigation (Swift)"

        let statusVC = ICEChildBottomBarViewController( title: "Status", color: )
        let eventsVC = ICEChildBottomBarViewController( title: "Events", color: )
        let contactsVC = ICEChildBottomBarViewController( title: "Contacts", color: UIColor.cyan )

        self.viewControllers = [ statusVC, eventsVC, contactsVC ]

        self.addChildViewController( appBar.headerViewController )
        let color = UIColor(white: 0.2, alpha:1)
        appBar.headerViewController.headerView.backgroundColor = color
        appBar.navigationBar.tintColor = .white
        appBar.navigationBar.titleTextAttributes = [NSAttributedStringKey.foregroundColor : UIColor.white]



    func bottomNavigationBar(_ bottomNavigationBar: MDCBottomNavigationBar, didSelect item: UITabBarItem)
        print( "did select item \(item.tag)" )

        self.selectedIndex = item.tag

        //self.viewControllers?[item.tag].addChildViewController( appBar.headerViewController )
        //self.selectedViewController = self.viewControllers?[item.tag]

//      self.viewControllers

    func commonBottomNavigationTypicalUseSwiftExampleInit()
        view.backgroundColor = .lightGray

        // Always show bottom navigation bar item titles.
        bottomNavBar.titleVisibility = .always

        // Cluster and center the bottom navigation bar items.
        bottomNavBar.alignment = .centered

        // Add items to the bottom navigation bar.
        let tabBarItem1 = UITabBarItem( title: "Status",   image: nil, tag: 0 )
        let tabBarItem2 = UITabBarItem( title: "Events",   image: nil, tag: 1 )
        let tabBarItem3 = UITabBarItem( title: "Contacts", image: nil, tag: 2 )
        bottomNavBar.items = [ tabBarItem1, tabBarItem2, tabBarItem3 ]

        // Select a bottom navigation bar item.
        bottomNavBar.selectedItem = tabBarItem1;
        bottomNavBar.delegate = self

    func layoutBottomNavBar()
        let size = bottomNavBar.sizeThatFits(view.bounds.size)
        let bottomNavBarFrame = CGRect( x: 0,
                                        y: view.bounds.height - size.height,
                                        width: size.width,
                                        height: size.height )
        bottomNavBar.frame = bottomNavBarFrame

    override func viewWillLayoutSubviews()

    #if swift(>=3.2)
    @available(iOS 11, *)
    override func viewSafeAreaInsetsDidChange()

    override func viewDidLoad()

        self.selectedIndex = 0


        // Theme the bottom navigation bar.
        MDCBottomNavigationBarColorThemer.applySemanticColorScheme(colorScheme, toBottomNavigation: bottomNavBar);


    override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool)
        self.navigationController?.setNavigationBarHidden( true, animated: animated )

// MARK: Catalog by convention
extension ICEBottomNavController
    class func catalogBreadcrumbs() -> [String] {
        return ["Bottom Navigation", "Bottom Navigation (Swift)"]

    class func catalogIsPrimaryDemo() -> Bool {
        return false

    func catalogShouldHideNavigation() -> Bool {
        return true

我的简单 View Controller 应该被选项卡切换:

import Foundation
import MaterialComponents
import UIKit

class ICEChildBottomBarViewController: UIViewController
    //let appBar = MDCAppBar()
    //var colorScheme = MDCSemanticColorScheme()
    var color: UIColor?

    init( title: String, color: UIColor )
        super.init(nibName: nil, bundle: nil)
        self.title = title
        self.color = color

    @available(*, unavailable)
    required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder)
        super.init(coder: aDecoder)

    override func viewDidLoad()

        view.backgroundColor = self.color


    override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool)
        self.navigationController?.setNavigationBarHidden( true, animated: animated )


你可以用这个来切换 Controller ,主要代码

class MaterialTabBarSimple: UITabBarController {
    let bottomNavBar = MDCBottomNavigationBar()
    // other code copy from Material doc
    override func viewDidLoad() {
       bottomNavBar = [ your tabBarItems ]
       bottomNavBar.delegate = self

       self.viewControllers = [ your controllers ]
extension MaterialTabBarSimple: MDCBottomNavigationBarDelegate {
    func bottomNavigationBar(_ bottomNavigationBar: MDCBottomNavigationBar, didSelect item: UITabBarItem) {
        print("did select item \(item.tag)")
        self.selectedViewController = self.viewControllers![item.tag]

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