Swift 泛型 - 协议(protocol)不符合协议(protocol)

标签 swift generics swift4


struct Container {
  let someProperty: String
  let otherProperty: String

// Subcontainers
protocol Base {}
protocol SomePropertyContainer: Base {
  var someProperty: String { get }

protocol OtherPropertyContainer: Base {
  var otherProperty: String { get }

extension Container: SomePropertyContainer, OtherPropertyContainer {}

// Sub Container Provisioning Protocol
protocol SubContainerProviderProtocol {
  func subContainer<T: Base>(protos: T.Type) -> T?

extension Container: SubContainerProviderProtocol {

  func subContainer <T: Base>(protos: T.Type) -> T? {
    return self as? T

// Example container
let subContainerProvider: SubContainerProviderProtocol = Container(someProperty: "Why does this not work!", otherProperty: "Seriously.")

启动并运行它可以让我将 ContainerProviderProtocol 注入(inject)消费者,同时让他们有可能自行指定他们真正想要的 SubContainer

例如只对 someProperty 感兴趣的类可能如下所示

// Example Container Provider consumer
class SomeClass {

  let subContainerProvider: SubContainerProviderProtocol

  init(subContainerProvider: SubContainerProviderProtocol) {
    self.subContainerProvider = subContainerProvider

  func printSomeProperty() {
    let someProperty = subContainerProvider
      .subContainer(protos: SomePropertyContainer.self)?

// Example call
let someClass = SomeClass(subContainerProvider: subContainerProvider)
someClass.printSomeProperty() // "Why does this not work!"


但是限制 T: Base 导致了编译器错误

In argument type 'SomePropertyContainer.Protocol', 'SomePropertyContainer' does not conform to expected type 'Base'

不指定符合 Base 将编译,但也允许将任何类型作为 T 传递。


可能与(但不完全相同)https://bugs.swift.org/browse/SR-55 有关



func container<T: Base>(protos: T.Type) -> T?

告诉编译器你要给这个函数一个类型,通常是 T,它符合协议(protocol) Base,而不是另一个协议(protocol)。你需要这样的东西:

class SPC: SomePropertyContainer {
    var someProperty: String = ""

class SomeClass {
    let containerProvider: ContainerProviderProtocol
    init(containerProvider: ContainerProviderProtocol) {
        self.containerProvider = containerProvider

    func printSomeProperty() {
        let someProperty = containerProvider
            .container(protos: SPC.self)?

SPC 是一种符合 SomePropertyContainer 协议(protocol)的类型,它本身也符合 Base 协议(protocol),所以这就是您的代码所期望的。

关于Swift 泛型 - 协议(protocol)不符合协议(protocol),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51178395/


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