ios - Apple Watch Complication 数据应该存储在哪里?

标签 ios swift watchkit apple-watch-complication

我需要存储由主要 Watch 应用程序(和 iPhone 应用程序)控制并显示在复杂功能中的数据。

official Apple documentation

If you need to fetch or compute the data for your complication, do it in your iOS app or in other parts of your WatchKit extension (for example, by scheduling a background app refresh task), and cache the data in a place where your complication data source can access it.



您可以将一些数据存储在 UserDefaults 中,并从复杂数据源访问这些数据。


//In a background task
func getComplicationData(){
    let yourData = someNetworkCall()
    yourData = [
        "complicationHeader": "Some string",
        "complicationInner": "Some other stirng"

    UserDefaults.standard.set(yourData, forKey: "complicationData")

然后在您的 ComplicationDataSource 中

func getCurrentTimelineEntry(for complication: CLKComplication, withHandler handler: @escaping (CLKComplicationTimelineEntry?) -> Void) {

    if let yourData = UserDefaults.standard.dictionary(forKey: "complicationData") as? [String: String] {
        //Handle setting up templates for complications


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