ios - Swift: 将 UIView 设置为 UIBarButton/UIButton 的背景

标签 ios swift uibutton uibarbuttonitem

如何将 UIView 设置为 UIBarButton 的背景? UIBarButton/UIButton 应该包含它的标题和背景图片。

我尝试覆盖 UIButton 类,但它不起作用。如果有人有解决方案,请告诉我。


// For UIBarButtonItem (just set customView parameter)

let frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: 40)
let customView = UIView(frame: frame)
customView.backgroundColor = .red

let barButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem(customView: customView)

// for UIButton

// 1. Subview case (add subview on your target UIButton, send to back so that it does not cover title)

let button0 = UIButton(frame: frame)
button0.setTitle("Button", for: UIControl.State())

// 2. Rendered image case (as an alternative render your view to an image and add as a background image)

// Extension for capturing a UIVIew as an image:
extension UIImage {
    convenience init?(view: UIView) {
        guard let ctx = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext() else {
            return nil
        view.layer.render(in: ctx)
        let image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
        guard let cgImage = image?.cgImage else {
            return nil
        self.init(cgImage: cgImage)

let button1 = UIButton(frame: frame)
let customViewImage = UIImage.init(view: customView)
button1.setBackgroundImage(customViewImage, for: UIControl.State())
button1.setTitle("Button", for: UIControl.State())

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