swift - Swift中的链表声明,手指类型可以透明地插入中间或开始

标签 swift data-structures

我正在尝试在 Swift 中声明一个链表,其手指类型是对节点的引用,允许在该节点之外插入或删除,或者链接列表本身,在这种情况下插入或删除链表的顶部。

我想看看这是否可以统一到实现,而不是必须对所有事情进行特殊处理:毕竟 Swift 是面向对象的。



protocol ContainerNodeInterface: class {
    associatedtype ContainedItem;

    var contents: ContainedItem { get };

protocol ParentNodeInterface: class {
    associatedtype LinkedItem: ContainerNodeInterface;

    var next: LinkedItem? {get set};

class ProtoNode<Contents, NodeType: ParentNodeInterface>: ParentNodeInterface where NodeType.ContainedItem==Contents, NodeType.LinkedItem==NodeType { // not meant to be instantiated or directly referenced
    typealias LinkedItem = NodeType;
    var next: NodeType?;

    init() {
        next = nil;

    final func insertThisAfterMe(_ node: NodeType) {
        node.next = next;
        next = .some(node);

    final func removeNodeAfterMe() -> NodeType? {
        guard let nextNode = next else {
            return nil;

        let result = nextNode;

        next = result.next;
        result.next = nil;
        return nextNode;

class Node<Contents>: ProtoNode<Contents, Node<Contents>>, ContainerNodeInterface {
    typealias ContainedItem = Contents;
    typealias NextItem = Node<Contents>;
    var contents: Contents;

    init(withContents: Contents) {
        contents = withContents;

typealias ParentNode<Contents> = ProtoNode<Contents, Node<Contents>>;

但是 Swift 编译器通过 Xcode 提示 Type 'Node<Contents>' does not conform to protocol 'ParentNodeInterface' .这没有意义!如果我添加明确符合 ParentNodeInterfaceNode ,然后我同时得到该错误和对同一协议(protocol)的冗余一致性之一。


Xcode 版本 10.2 (10E125),Swift 5


我通过将 ProtoNode 拆分为初始声明和扩展来解决它:

protocol ContainerNodeInterface: class {
    associatedtype ContainedItem;

    var contents: ContainedItem { get };

protocol ParentNodeInterface: class {
    associatedtype LinkedItem: ContainerNodeInterface;

    var next: LinkedItem? {get set};

class ProtoNode<Contents, NodeType: ContainerNodeInterface>: ParentNodeInterface where NodeType.ContainedItem==Contents { // not meant to be instantiated or directly referenced
    typealias LinkedItem = NodeType;
    var next: NodeType?;

    init() {
        next = nil;

extension ProtoNode where NodeType: ParentNodeInterface, NodeType.LinkedItem==NodeType
    final func insertThisAfterMe(_ node: NodeType) {
        node.next = next;
        next = .some(node);

    final func removeNodeAfterMe() -> NodeType? {
        guard let nextNode = next else {
            return nil;

        let result = nextNode;

        next = result.next;
        result.next = nil;
        return nextNode;

class Node<Contents>: ProtoNode<Contents, Node<Contents>>, ContainerNodeInterface {
    typealias ContainedItem = Contents;
    typealias NextItem = Node<Contents>;
    var contents: Contents;

    init(withContents: Contents) {
        contents = withContents;

typealias ParentNode<Contents> = ProtoNode<Contents, Node<Contents>>;

我认为它可以帮助编译器打破依赖循环,在循环中它必须确定 Node 作为泛型参数是否符合协议(protocol),然后才能确定声明是否有效并将声明的类型(即 Node)视为符合协议(protocol)到协议(protocol),但我仍然觉得不得不做出这个看似毫无意义的扩展声明有点傻。


关于swift - Swift中的链表声明,手指类型可以透明地插入中间或开始,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55857608/


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