ios - 如何修复 "Instance member ' coordinate' cannot be used on type 'MKMapPoint' “Swift 5.0 中的错误

标签 ios swift xcode mapkit

我正在使用 Apple 的 Footprint: Indoor Positioning with Core Location sample code构建移动应用程序。此代码采用 Swift 3.0,我正在将其转换为 Swift 5.0 语法。 当我运行这段 Swift 3.0 代码时,

coordinate = MKCoordinateForMapPoint(boundingMapRect.getCenter())


“MKCoordinateForMapPoint' has been replaced by property 'MKMapPoint.coordinate'”


coordinate = MKMapPoint.coordinate (boundingMapRect.getCenter())


“Instance member 'coordinate' cannot be used on type 'MKMapPoint'”



Apple 在 MKMapRect 的扩展中定义了 getCenter():

extension MKMapRect {
        - returns: The point at the center of the rectangle.
        - parameter rect: A rectangle.
    func getCenter() -> MKMapPoint {
        return MKMapPointMake(MKMapRectGetMidX(self), MKMapRectGetMidY(self))
        // now return MKMapPoint(x: self.midX, y: self.midY)

因为 getCenter() 返回一个 MKMapPoint,你只需要访问它的 coordinate 属性:

coordinate = boundingMapRect.getCenter().coordinate

关于ios - 如何修复 "Instance member ' coordinate' cannot be used on type 'MKMapPoint' “Swift 5.0 中的错误,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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