c# - 学习有效地使用接口(interface)

标签 c#

我用 C# 开发软件已有一段时间,但我使用得不够有效的一个主要领域是接口(interface)。事实上,我经常对它们的各种使用方式和何时使用感到困惑。例如,我知道方法可以返回接口(interface),可以将它们作为参数,可以从它们派生等。这个概念对我来说是一个明确的弱点




Interfaces in C # provide a way to achieve runtime polymorphism. Using interfaces we can invoke functions from different classes through the same Interface reference, whereas using virtual functions we can invoke functions from different classes in the same inheritance hierarchy through the same reference.


public class FileLog : ILog
    public void Log(string text)
        // write text to a file

public class DatabaseLog : ILog
    public void Log(string text)
        // write text to the database

public interface ILog
    void Log(string text);

public class SomeOtherClass
    private ILog _logger;

    public SomeOtherClass(ILog logger)
        // I don't know if logger is the FileLog or DatabaseLog
        // but I don't need to know either as long as its implementing ILog
        this._logger = logger;
        logger.Log("Hello World!");



关于c# - 学习有效地使用接口(interface),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8701345/


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