sorting - Swift 返回将对数组进行排序的索引(类似于 numpy argsort)

标签 sorting swift numpy



let arr = [7, 10, -3]
let idxs = argsort(arr) // [2, 0, 1]

我的尝试有效但并不完美,并且仅适用于 CGFloat。我正在寻找一些方法来改进功能,使其通用且更易于阅读。代码看起来很难看,

func argsortCGFloat( a : [CGFloat] ) -> [Int] {

    /* 1. Values are wrapped in (index, values) tuples */
    let wrapped_array = Array(Zip2(indices(a),a))

    /* 2. A comparator compares the numerical value from 
       two tuples and the array is sorted */
    func comparator(a: (index : Int, value : CGFloat), b: (index : Int, value : CGFloat)) -> Bool {
        return a.value < b.value
    var values = sorted(wrapped_array, comparator)

    /* 3. The sorted indexes are extracted from the sorted 
       array of tuples */
    var sorted_indexes: [Int] = []
    for pair in values {

    return sorted_indexes



func argsort<T:Comparable>( a : [T] ) -> [Int] {
    var r = Array(indices(a))
    r.sort({ a[$0] > a[$1] })
    return r

let arr = [7, 10, -3]
let idxs = argsort(arr)
println (idxs)

关于sorting - Swift 返回将对数组进行排序的索引(类似于 numpy argsort),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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