ios - 从表的字典中获取数据

标签 ios swift uitableview nsdictionary watchkit

我有一个 WatchKit table,我需要用我收到的数据(从 iOS 到 WatchKit)填充它。我不知道如何解包Dictionary 中的数据以便在 中使用。

我在 WatchKit InterfaceController.swift

func session(session: WCSession, didReceiveUserInfo userInfo: [String : AnyObject]) {

    let dic3 = userInfo["TColor"] as? String
    let dic4 = userInfo["Match"] as? String

    dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {

WatchKit Event.swift(主对象的子类)

class Event {

var eventTColor:String
var eventMatch:String

init(dataDictionary:Dictionary<String,String>) {
    eventTColor = dataDictionary["TColor"]!
    eventMatch = dataDictionary["Match"]!

class func newEvent(dataDictionary:Dictionary<String,String>) -> Event {
    return Event(dataDictionary: dataDictionary)

class func eventsList() -> [Event] {

    var array = [Event]()
    let dataPath = // Not sure what to do here

    let data = // Not sure what to do here either

    for e in data as! [Dictionary<String, String>] {
        let event = Event(dataDictionary: e)

    return array


我不知道在我缺少的函数 class func eventsList() -> [Event] 中该做什么。

我需要从 didReceiveUserInfo 中收到的 Dictionary 中获取信息。


编辑:这就是我目前为 didFInishUserInfoTransfer 所做的尝试

func session(session: WCSession, didFinishUserInfoTransfer userInfoTransfer: WCSessionUserInfoTransfer, error: NSError?) {
        if let someError = error {
            print("error on didFinishUserInfoTransfer: %@", someError)
        } else {
            let eventsList = Event.eventsListFromValues(receivedData)
            NSLog("Events List: %@", eventsList)


函数 doTable() {

eventsListSO = Event.eventsListFromValues(receivedData)
rowTable.setNumberOfRows(eventsListSO.count, withRowType: "rows")
NSLog("Row count: %@", eventsListSO.count)

for var i = 0; i < self.rowTable.numberOfRows; i++ {
    let row = rowTable.rowControllerAtIndex(i) as? TableRowController
    for eventm in eventsListSO {
        NSLog("SetupTableM: %@", eventm.eventMatch)


从发布的代码中很难分辨,但它看起来像你的 InterfaceController正在以两个 String 的形式接收单个事件的数据userInfo 中的值字典参数。据推测,如果您需要一个列表,则会多次调用此方法。

如果以上为真,那么创建一个 var 可能是有意义的属性(property) InterfaceController类型 Array<Dictionary<String,String>> (或等效的 [[String : String]] ,我个人觉得可读性较差),像这样:

var receivedData = Array<Dictionary<String, String>>()

然后在你执行session:didReceiveUserInfo:您会将内容附加到 receivedData属性(property),像这样:

func session(session: WCSession, didReceiveUserInfo userInfo: [String : AnyObject]) {
    if let tColorValue = userInfo["TColor"] as? String, let matchValue = userInfo["Match"] as? String {
        receivedData.append(["TColor": tColorValue, "Match": matchValue])
    else {
        // Appropriate error handling here

你的 eventsList然后需要更改方法以接受您的 Dictionary值并处理它,也许像这样:

class func eventsListFromValues(values: Array<Dictionary<String, String>>) -> Array<Event> {
    var array = Array<Event>()

    for eventValues in values {
        let event = Event(dataDictionary: eventValues)

    return array

有了这些,您现在就有了数据值的集合,您需要确定何时是构建 Array 的适当时机。的 Event对象。也许在每次调用 session:didReceiveUserInfo: 之后像这样的一些代码:

let eventsList = Event.eventsListFromValues(receivedData)
for event in eventList {
  // Do something with the events list (i.e., use event.eventTColor and event.eventMatch)


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