ios - 在 RealmSwift iOS 7 Swift 2 中查找默认 Realm 文件的问题

标签 ios swift realm

当我尝试在 Xcode 7 中使用 Swift 2 将 Realm 集成到项目中时遇到一个主要问题。我试图找到 default.realm 文件,以便我通常可以在 Realm 浏览器中看到数据库。


How to find my realm file?





let realm = Realm(path: "/Users/me/Desktop/TestRealm.realm")


尝试暂停模拟器并将其放入 LLDB 控制台...

po Realm.defaultPath


error: :1:1: error: use of unresolved identifier 'Realm' Realm.defaultPath

此处供引用的是创建 Realm 对象的文件

import UIKit
import RealmSwift

class XMCMovie: Object {
    dynamic var id = ""
    dynamic var title = ""
    dynamic var tomatometer = 0
    dynamic var consensus = ""
    dynamic var imageName = ""

    override class func primaryKey() -> String? {
        return "id"

    required init() {

    init(id: NSString, title: NSString, tomatometer: Int, consensus: NSString, imageName: NSString) {
        super.init() = id as String
        self.title = title as String
        self.tomatometer = tomatometer
        self.consensus = consensus as String
        self.imageName = imageName as String

import UIKit
import RealmSwift

class XMCApi {

    class func requestOpeningMovies() {
        let movies = [ XMCMovie(id: "0", title: "The Hobbit: The Battle Of The Five Armies", tomatometer: 62, consensus: "Suitably grim, epic, and action-packed, The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies ends Peter Jackson's second Middle-earth trilogy on a rousing high note.", imageName: "hobbit"),
            XMCMovie(id: "1", title: "Night At The Museum: Secret Of The Tomb", tomatometer: 53, consensus: "No consensus yet.", imageName: "museum"),
            XMCMovie(id: "2", title: "Annie", tomatometer: 20, consensus: "The new-look Annie hints at a progressive take on a well-worn story, but smothers its likable cast under clichés, cloying cuteness, and a distasteful materialism.", imageName: "annie"),
            XMCMovie(id: "3", title: "Mr. Turner", tomatometer: 97, consensus: "Led by a masterful performance from Timothy Spall and brilliantly directed by Mike Leigh, Mr. Turner is a superior Hollywood biopic.", imageName: "turner"),
            XMCMovie(id: "4", title: "Song Of The Sea", tomatometer: 100, consensus: "No consensus yet.", imageName: "sea") ]

        // Write our movie objects to the database
        let realm = try! Realm()

        try! realm.write() {

            for movie in movies {
                /*  This method will avoid duplicating records by looking at the
                primary key we've set on our object. Go look at the XMCMovie
                class to see that method defined.

                // XMCMovie.createOrUpdateInDefaultRealmWithObject(movie)

                // Alternatively, you could add new objects by calling this method
                // or
                // realm.addObjects(movies) // An array of objects





经过一些调整,我找到了答案。所以我将发布对我有用的打印命令。 注意:这是在 Swift 2.1.1 中




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