ios - 在没有 Podfile 的情况下在 ios9 和 Swift 2 上集成 Google map

标签 ios swift google-maps swift2 cocoapods

我希望在我的应用程序中集成 GoogleMaps

我正在使用 Xcode 7.2、Swift 2 并且不想通过podfile安装它/p>

我竭尽全力寻找替代方法,例如 Google-Maps 框架...有人可以给我任何想法吗...


来自 Google Map SDK

Versions 1.9.2 and earlier of the Google Maps SDK for iOS were available as a zip file containing a static framework. There was also the option to install recent versions from a CocoaPods pod. From version 1.10.0 onwards, the Google Maps SDK for iOS is available for installation only via CocoaPods.

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