ios - Xcode:有没有办法将 Storyboard上的现有组件换成另一个

标签 ios xcode swift uistoryboard xcode-storyboard

我在一个项目中有一个复杂的约束布局,我已将其复制并粘贴到另一个项目中。它在第二个项目中的工作在所有方面都是相同的,只是我需要用 UIButton 替换 UIImageView。删除 UIImageView 也将删除我一开始努力正确平衡的约束。对于这个问题,有没有比删除并煞费苦心地重新创建约束更好的解决方案?



在您的复制 View 中,一切都很完美。执行以下步骤以获得简单的解决方案

  1. Drag a UIButton just beside UIImageView
  2. Put Same constraints as you put on UIImageView.
  3. After putting same constraints, Just delete UIImageView.

这样,它就不会打扰您的约束,您将获得 UIButton 而不是 UIImageView。


  1. Drag a UIButton just beside UIImageView
  2. Put Same constraints as you put on UIImageView.
  3. Hold down Option Key, drag Button to View (SuperView)
  4. Hold Down Shift to add multiple Constraints at a time.
  5. After putting same constraints, Simply HIDE UIImageView. Making hidden will also save your changes in code, else I might crash where you have put UIImageView references and usage in Code. You can rename UIImageView to UIButton and change throughout code also :)



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