ios - 如何处理从 JSON 返回的 Null

标签 ios json swift

我有一个 JSON,它可能在某些键的值中包含 null 值。


static func parseJSONString(jsonString: String?, key: String?) ->  () -> String{
        var jsonSubString: String?
        func parseString() -> String{
            if let data = jsonString?.data(using: .utf8){
                if let content = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: []),
                    let array = content as? [[String: AnyObject]]

                    for jsondict in array {
                        if let jsondictOptional = jsondict[key!]{
                            jsonSubString = (jsondictOptional as? String)
                        else {
                            jsonSubString = " "

            return jsonSubString!
        return parseString

当我运行应用程序时,它崩溃了。如何成功运行此代码,以便我什至可以处理从 JSON 返回的 nulls


崩溃的原因是你强行解包一个可选的。如果可选的是 nil,它会使您的应用程序崩溃。您可以通过让您的函数返回一个可选的 String 而不是强制展开它或在它为 nil 时返回一个空的 String 来修复它。

static func parseJSONString(jsonString: String?, key: String?) ->  () -> String? {
        var jsonSubString: String?
        func parseString() -> String{
            if let data = jsonString?.data(using: .utf8){
                if let content = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: []),
                    let array = content as? [[String: AnyObject]]

                    for jsondict in array {
                        if let jsondictOptional = jsondict[key!]{
                            jsonSubString = (jsondictOptional as? String)
                        else {
                            jsonSubString = " "

            // Don't force unwrap this
            // You could use `return jsonSubString ?? ""` if you want an empty string if the value is null
            return jsonSubString
        return parseString

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