swift - 泛型的扩展在 swift 中被限制为另一个泛型

标签 swift generics

考虑以下情况,其中 T1T2可以是任何类型。

class Foo<T1> {}
class Bar<T2> {}

我需要 Foo 的扩展其中 T1Bar<T2> .这看起来很明显,但问题却很模棱两可——我找不到太多这方面的信息。编译器提示以下消息:

extension Foo where T1:Bar {} // Error: reference to generic type 'Bar' requires arguments in <...>
extension Foo where T1:Bar<T2> {} // Error: use of undeclared type 'T2'

extension Foo where T1:Bar<Any> {
    func test() { Swift.print(self) }

let foo = Foo<Bar<NSObject>>()
foo.test() // Error: 'Bar<NSObject>' is not a subtype of 'Bar<Any>'


class Foo<T1> {}
class Bar<T2> {}

extension Foo where T1:Bar<NSObject> { // instead of Any
    func test() { Swift.print(self) }

let foo = Foo<Bar<NSObject>>()
// output: CfsdikgLiC.Foo<CfsdikgLiC.Bar<Foundation.NSObject>>


class Foo<T1> {}
class Bar<T2> {}

extension Foo where T1:Bar<Any> { 
    func test() { Swift.print(self) }

let foo = Foo<Bar<Any>>() // instead of NSObject
// output: T8fT4XJI7R.Foo<T8fT4XJI7R.Bar<Any>>

关于swift - 泛型的扩展在 swift 中被限制为另一个泛型,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41837840/


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