ios - 如何在 Swift 的字符串中将某个单词(多次出现)设为斜体?

标签 ios swift

我有一段文字,上面写着“Hello world. The world is so beautiful.”我想将其更改为“你好世界世界是如此美丽。”


 let string : NSString =  "Hello world. The world is so beautiful."
 let attributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: string! as String, attributes: [NSFontAttributeName:UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 17.0)])
 let italicFontAttribute = [NSFontAttributeName: UIFont.italicSystemFont(ofSize: 17.0)]
 attributedString.addAttributes(italicFontAttribute, range: (string!.range(of: "world")))



var sampleString : String = "Hello world. The world is so beautiful."
let searchTerm : String = "world"

var searchRange : NSRange = NSMakeRange(0, sampleString.characters.count)
var positionRange : NSRange = ((sampleString as NSString).substring(with: searchRange) as NSString).range(of: searchTerm)
var actualRange : NSRange = positionRange

var attributedString : NSMutableAttributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: sampleString)

while (positionRange.location != NSNotFound)
    // Update attributed string
    actualRange.location = searchRange.location + positionRange.location
    attributedString.addAttributes([ NSFontAttributeName : UIFont(name: "Helvetica-Italic", size: CGFloat(22)) ], range: actualRange)

    // Proceed to the next position
    searchRange.location += positionRange.location + searchTerm.characters.count
    searchRange.length = sampleString.characters.count - searchRange.location

    positionRange = ((sampleString as NSString).substring(with: searchRange) as NSString).range(of: searchTerm)

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