ios - Swift 3 中的索引超出范围错误

标签 ios arrays swift indexing swift3

我知道在 SO 中有很多关于这个问题的问题,但我没有发现对我有用的东西。

我正在开发一款能够识别屏幕上的 Action 的应用。但是 Apple 手势识别器对我来说太精确了,所以我自己做。


我想处理多点触控手势(如捏合),我需要获取每个手指在屏幕上的方向,为此我想将每个方向都包含在一个数组中,以便之后我可以轻松地比较它们。但是我得到了索引超出范围的错误,我不知道我哪里错了。我对 swift 还很陌生(从 1 个月开始自学)所以它可能是显而易见的甚至是一个愚蠢的错误......

如果你能帮我解决这个问题,我会很高兴。 谢谢 !


import UIKit

class ViewController: UIViewController {
//@IBOutlet weak var statusLabel: UILabel!

@IBOutlet weak var StatusLabel: UILabel!

var fingers = [String?](repeating: nil, count:10)
var finger1 = [CGFloat]()
var finger2 = [CGFloat]()
var finger3 = [CGFloat]()
var finger4 = [CGFloat]()
var finger5 = [CGFloat]()
var direction: String = ""
var direction1 = [String]()

    override func viewDidLoad() {


    override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
        // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.


    override func touchesBegan(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
        super.touchesBegan(touches, with: event)
        direction = ""
        direction1 = []
        finger1 = []
        finger2 = []
        finger3 = []
        finger4 = []
        finger5 = []
        for touch in touches{
            let point = touch.location(in: self.view)
            for (index,finger)  in fingers.enumerated() {
                if finger == nil {
                    fingers[index] = String(format: "%p", touch)
                    print("finger \(index+1): x=\(point.x) , y=\(point.y)")

    override func touchesMoved(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
        super.touchesMoved(touches, with: event)
        for touch in touches {
            let point = touch.location(in: self.view)
            for (index,finger) in fingers.enumerated() {
                if let finger = finger, finger == String(format: "%p", touch) {
                    switch (index){
                    case 0 :
                        finger1 += [point.x, point.y]
                    case 1 :
                        finger2 += [point.x, point.y]
                    case 2 :
                        finger3 += [point.x, point.y]
                    case 3 :
                        finger4 += [point.x, point.y]
                    case 4 :
                        finger5 += [point.x, point.y]
                    default :

    override func touchesEnded(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
        super.touchesEnded(touches, with: event)
        for touch in touches {
            for (index,finger) in fingers.enumerated() {
                if let finger = finger, finger == String(format: "%p", touch) {
                    fingers[index] = nil
        if finger1.count != 0 {
            direction1[0] += GestureRecognizer(coordinates: finger1, index: 0)
        if finger2.count != 0 {
            direction1[1] += GestureRecognizer(coordinates: finger2, index: 1)
        if finger3.count != 0 {
            direction1[2] += GestureRecognizer(coordinates: finger3, index: 2)
        if finger4.count != 0 {
            direction1[3] += GestureRecognizer(coordinates: finger4, index: 3)
        if finger5.count != 0 {
            direction1[4] += GestureRecognizer(coordinates: finger5, index: 4)

        print("1 " + direction1[0] + "2 " + direction1[1] + "3 " + direction1[2] + "4 " + direction1[3] + "5 " + direction1[4])
        StatusLabel.text = direction1[1]

    func GestureRecognizer (coordinates: [CGFloat], index: Int) -> String {
        if (coordinates[0] - coordinates[coordinates.count-2]) > 100 && (coordinates[1] - coordinates[coordinates.count-1]) < (-100) {
            print("Vers la gauche et bas")
            direction1[0] = "downleft"
        else if (coordinates[0] - coordinates[coordinates.count-2]) < (-100) && (coordinates[1] - coordinates[coordinates.count-1]) > 100{
            print("Vers la droite et haut")
            direction1[index] = "upright"
        else if (coordinates[0] - coordinates[coordinates.count-2]) < (-100 ) && (coordinates[1] - coordinates[coordinates.count-1]) < (-100){
            print("Vers la droite et bas")
            direction1[index] = "downright"
        else if (coordinates[0] - coordinates[coordinates.count-2]) > 100 &&  (coordinates[1] - coordinates[coordinates.count-1]) > 100 {
            print("Vers la gauche et haut")
            direction1[index] = "upleft"
        else if (-100..<100).contains(coordinates[0] - coordinates[coordinates.count-2]) && (coordinates[1] - coordinates[coordinates.count-1]) > 100 {
            print("Swipe up")
            direction1[index] = "swipeup"
        else if (-100..<100).contains(coordinates[0] - coordinates[coordinates.count-2]) && (coordinates[1] - coordinates[coordinates.count-1]) < -100 {
            print("Swipe Down")
            direction1[index] = "swipedown"
        else if (coordinates[0] - coordinates[coordinates.count-2]) > 100 && (-100..<100).contains(coordinates[1] - coordinates[coordinates.count-1]){
            print("Swipe left")
            direction1[index] = "swipeleft"
        else if (coordinates[0] - coordinates[coordinates.count-2]) < -100 && (-100..<100).contains(coordinates[1] - coordinates[coordinates.count-1]){
            print("Swipe right")
            direction1[index] = "swiperight"
        else {
            direction1[index] = "failed"
        return direction1[index]


您应该重新检查您的 direction1 数组。错误很可能在这一行:

print("1 " + direction1[0] + "2 " + direction1[1] + "3 " + direction1[2] + "4 " + direction1[3] + "5 " + direction1[4])

您已经设置了 direction1 = [],然后您尝试在 direction1 数组中打印 5 个不同的元素。

解决方法是初始化一个固定大小的数组 [String](repeating: "", count: 5) 并删除此行 direction1 = []

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