ios - 在 For Enumerated 中再循环一次

标签 ios swift

下面的代码循环遍历 Dictionary 中的所有键字符串。一切都很好,直到我想搜索不在字典中的字符串。当我搜索不在 Dictionary 中的字符串时,我的代码本应再执行一个循环然后落入 if index != patternFromDatabase.count 的 else,但它赢了't 因为 for 循环由 patternFromDatabase 的枚举计数完成。 我怎么能在枚举完成后最后一次做 for 循环,因为我不能只写 patternFromDatabase.enumerated() + 1

你有什么建议吗?或者我应该稍微修改一下我的代码,这样我就不必面对这个问题来实现我的目的吗? 非常感谢。如果您需要更多解释,我很乐意为您解释代码。

for (index, key) in patternFromDatabase.enumerated() {

            let startTimeForBitap = Date()

            print("i: \(index), db: \(patternFromDatabase.count), key: \(key)")

            if index != patternFromDatabase.count {

                if Algorithm().searchStringWithBitap(key, pattern: insertedPattern) == -1 {

                } else {

                    let endTimeForBitap = Date().timeIntervalSince(startTimeForBitap)
                    bitapRunningTime.text = "\(convertTimetoMS(time: endTimeForBitap)) ms"
                    print("BITAP FOUND: \(endTimeForBitap)")

                    let bitapTextResult = pattern[key]
                    print(bitapTextResult ?? "")
                    bitapTextLabel.text = bitapTextResult
                    bitapPatternLabel.text = key

            } else {

                let endTimeForBitap = Date().timeIntervalSince(startTimeForBitap)
                bitapTextLabel.text = "Pattern NOT FOUND"
                bitapPatternLabel.text = "Pattern NOT FOUND"

                bitapRunningTime.text = "\(convertTimetoMS(time: endTimeForBitap)) ms"
                print("BITAP NOT FOUND: \(endTimeForBitap)")


Should I modify my code a little bit so I don't have to face this problem to outcome my purpose?

是的。有标准库方法可以检查数组是否包含 具有给定属性的元素。在你的情况下:

if patternFromDatabase.contains(where: { key in Algorithm().searchStringWithBitap(key, pattern: insertedPattern) != -1 }) {
    print("found:", key)
} else {
    print("not found")


if let idx = patternFromDatabase.index(where: { key in Algorithm().searchStringWithBitap(key, pattern: insertedPattern) != -1 }) {
    print("found at:", idx)
} else {
    print("not found")



Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the sequence contains an element that satisfies the given predicate.


Returns the first index in which an element of the collection satisfies the given predicate.

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