swift - 在 Swift 3 中使用泛型参数调用闭包时发生奇怪的崩溃

标签 swift generics crash closures


protocol CrashProtocol {
    associatedtype T

    static func tryCrash(_ dummyInt: Int,
                         with closure: ((T) -> Void))


class Crash<M>: CrashProtocol {
    typealias T = M

    class func tryCrash(_ dummyInt: Int,
                        with closure: ((M) -> Void)) {
        print("Crash tryCrash")


class DerivedCrash: Crash<DummyObject> {

    override class func tryCrash(_ dummyInt: Int, with closure: ((DummyObject) -> Void)) {
        super.tryCrash(dummyInt, with: closure)

        print("Derived tryCrash")
        let obj = DummyObject.init()


DerivedCrash.tryCrash(1) { _ in
            print("Never reach here")

我遇到“EXC_BAD_ACCESS”崩溃。你可以找到我的测试代码 here . 我已经完成了我的调试工作,但只发现导致崩溃的内存地址指向一个 Swift.Int 实例,我不使用它。 如果我稍微更改调用代码,代码将在执行闭包后崩溃。

DerivedCrash.tryCrash(1) { (obj: DummyObject) in
    //print("Never reach here")
    print("print as expected and then crash")



我已将 NSObject 添加到 associatedtype 中,现在它不会崩溃。 它没有回答您的问题,但也许这个临时解决方案会对您有所帮助

protocol CrashProtocol {
    associatedtype T: NSObject

    static func tryCrash(_ dummyInt: Int,
                         with closure: ((T) -> Void))

class Crash<M:NSObject>: CrashProtocol {
    typealias T = M

    class func tryCrash(_ dummyInt: Int,
                        with closure: ((M) -> Void)) {
        print("Crash tryCrash")

关于swift - 在 Swift 3 中使用泛型参数调用闭包时发生奇怪的崩溃,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45813128/


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