swift - 如何检查 "Copied text is from which Application"?

标签 swift cocoa nsapplication nspasteboard




虽然没有 API,但有办法。这是一种 hack,但 Apple 在他们的示例中就是这样做的,所以我想这没问题。



class PasteboardWatcher {

    private let pasteboard = NSPasteboard.general()

    // Keep track of the changes in the pasteboard.
    private var changeCount: Int

    // Used to regularly poll the pasteboard for changes.
    private var timer: Timer?

    private var frontmostApp: (name: String, bundle: String)?

    init() {
        // On launch, we mirror the pasteboard context.
        self.changeCount = pasteboard.changeCount

        // Registers if any application becomes active (or comes frontmost) and calls a method if it's the case.
        NSWorkspace.shared().notificationCenter.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(activeApp(sender:)), name: .NSWorkspaceDidActivateApplication, object: nil)

        if let types = pasteboard.types {
            print("Available pasteboards: \(types)")

    // Start polling for changes in pasteboard.
    func startPolling() {
        self.timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 0.2, target: self, selector: #selector(checkForChangesInPasteboard), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)

    // Called by NSWorkspace when any application becomes active or comes frontmost.
    @objc private func activeApp(sender: NSNotification) {
        if let info = sender.userInfo,
            let content = info[NSWorkspaceApplicationKey] as? NSRunningApplication,
            let name = content.localizedName,
            let bundle = content.bundleIdentifier
            frontmostApp = (name: name, bundle: bundle)

    @objc private func checkForChangesInPasteboard() {
        if pasteboard.changeCount != changeCount {
            changeCount = pasteboard.changeCount
            if let copied = pasteboard.string(forType: NSStringPboardType),
                let app = frontmostApp
                print("Copied string is: '\(copied)' from \(app.name) (\(app.bundle))")



let watcher = PasteboardWatcher()


关于swift - 如何检查 "Copied text is from which Application"?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49398954/


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